Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Bannon Releases Statement After Removal from National Security Council – Blames Susan Rice?

This doesn't make any sense to me.

From Gateway Pundit:

According to Bloomberg: President Donald Trump reorganized his National Security Council on Wednesday, removing his chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, and downgrading the role of his Homeland Security Adviser, Tom Bossert, according to a person familiar with the decision and a regulatory filing.

This afternoon Steve Bannon released a statement. Bannon blamed Susan Rice for her record of politicizing the post during the Obama administration.
“Susan Rice operationalized the NSC during the last administration. I was put on to ensure that it was de-operationalized. General McMaster has returned the NSC to its proper function.”

I have lost all patience for Trump.


Anonymous said...

"Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator John McCain (R - AZ), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the following statement today on the President's decision to restore the Director of Naitonal Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as regular attendees to the National Security Council's principal's committee:

"I welcome the President's decision to restore the Director of Naitonal Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as regular attendees to the National Security Council's principal's committee. As the new administration navigates a complex array of challenges around the world, it is critical that the President hears from these experienced and talented leaders on his national security team. I have said before that I could not imagine a more capable national security team than the one we have right now. And I have great confidence that if empowered these outstanding individuals will provide the President with the sound advice and counsel he needs to restore American leadership and confront the many threats facing our nation." ###

*****UGGGG! If McCain is happy, the world is in trouble.

Epaminondas said...

McCain, STFU. WHen the place I see you most frequently is HuffPo you're over the line, and NOT HOME

I get what Bannon is saying, but it makes no difference. Rice POLITICIZED the NSC.

His PERSON and the THEORY he brings is what is valuable, not some guy whose theory is that 'radical islamic terrorism' is an unhelpful outlook. That is a NEGATIVE.
You can HAVE a theory of world operation and NOT SPY on domestic opponents and ABUSE POWER TO KEEP POWER despite the people's choice

I have seen NOTHING which tells me this is not a MAJOR ERROR in administrative and executive ABILITY.