Saturday, April 09, 2016

45 Minute Fox News Special On Obama's Destruction of the Military

If Fox News is truly concerned about this, they ought to ask themselves, which Presidential candidate has the Will and the personal power to change this tide that is not wholly created by Obama, but is ALLOWED by Congress.

One of them sits in Congress already; Ted Cruz.

One of them sits outside the political world; Donald Trump.

Oh yeah, Fox News really fuckin' cares, don't they?


Anonymous said...

"Disgust" in our Congress critters for allowing this destructive pattern to continue unabated during Obama's tenure - just isn't expressing a strong enough reaction.

christian soldier said...

answer to your rhetorical question --- :-)

NO- FOX does not really care- and we who have been awake--know that--esp. since the muslim bought shares in and sits on the board of FOX--


Pastorius said...

You are absolutely right.

There is no one representing reality anywhere in our political/academia/media complex.