Friday, December 11, 2015

Leading US Imam and Professor: Muslims Can Take Property of “Filthy” Christians and Jews

Qadhi teaches in the Religious Studies Department of Rhodes College, in Memphis, Tennessee. Additionally, he has completed a doctorate in theology at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.

Qadhi is also the Dean of Academic Affairs and an instructor for the AlMaghrib Institute, a seminar-based Islamic education institution. The instructors travel to designated locations in the US, UK and Canada (and more recently, Malaysia) to teach Islamic studies in English.

From the Consortium of Defense Analysts:
Yasir Qadhi (aka Abu Ammaar Yasir Kazi) is an American imam and college professor who is described by a 2011 New York Times Magazine essay as “one of the most influential conservative clerics in American Islam.” 
In his sermon/lecture in the YouTube audio below, Qadhi begins by calling Christians “shirk” for being “polythesists” who believe in the Triune God (three persons in one God), instead of Islam’s “monotheist” god Allah. 
Then Qadhi really steps up his verbal abuse. He says, since “there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah wuzza wuzza,” Christians are “by necessity and by definition … the most evil of all evils.” Like all “unbelievers” and “polytheists,” Christians are “filthy.” 
They are “najusa” (feces, urine) — “a filthy impure dirty substance.” Qadhi declares that the prophet Mohammad — and by extension all Muslims — “has been commanded to do jihad.” What is jihad? Jihad “is a means to establish monotheism on the land.” 
The prophet had said, “I have been commanded to fight the people until they” convert to Islam. But “if they don’t [convert to Islam,] their life and property are halal [free for the taking] for the Muslims.”


Anonymous said...

"shirk", "najusa", "infidel", "kafir", "kuffar", "apes", "pigs" ...

Familiar with CSPI, Bill Warner's Statistical Islam (see page 4 of pdf) which reveals 60% of Islamic doctrine (trilogy Hadith, Sira, koran) are devoted to treatment/classification of the non-believer.
Meccan Koran = 68%
Medinan Koran = 57%
Sira = 81%
Hadith = 37%

Ever wonder if a comprehensive list of derogatory terms characterizing all non-believers within Islamic texts already exists? could prove useful to throw in their representatives/defenders faces every time they spout 5:32 without 5:33.

Anonymous said...

As coincidence would have it, a discussion about Bill Warner's exegesis of Islam's political elements is found at Gates of Vienna today:

UC Merced Stabber: Al Sunna, The Way of Mohammed

Islam dedicates a lot of space to the Kafir, who are also called: polytheists, atheists, agnostics, people of the book (Christians and Jews) and pagans. But no matter what their religion, they are they all treated with the same hostility, and are to be dominated by Islam under Al Sunna, or the way of Muhammad.

According to Islamic doctrine a kafir is not merely someone who does not agree with Islam. A Kafir is considered evil and the lowest form of life. He is someone who can be deceived, tortured, hated, enslaved, killed, lied to, and cheated.

WC said...

So we now allow seditionists to come preach in our country. We're f**ked.