Saturday, November 07, 2015

Media Tries to Palinize Ben Carson, Ben Carson Mocks The Media

From Mediaite:
Ben Carson faced some combative reporters during a press conference in Florida tonight about the various issues in his background that have been raised this week. 
He dismissed Politico‘s report about him not being formally offered a West Point scholarship, simply insisting it was relayed to him that he could get one with the kind of accomplishments in his background. 
He declared, “There is a desperation on behalf of some to try to find a way to tarnish me… Next week it’ll be my kindergarten teacher who said I peed in my pants.” 
As the reporters at his Florida presser continued to press Carson, he got pretty steamed and denounced the “witch hunt,” saying, “I do not remember this level of scrutiny for one President Barack Obama.” 
In a very mocking voice, Carson brought up a lot of issues from the president’s past before turning the tables on the reporters and asking them point-blank why they’re not interested in Obama’s sealed college records.
The tone the media takes in this Press Conference disrobes them, revealing their true nature and intentions.

They fire questions at Ben Carson with glee, a sense of "I gotcha", and an imperial doubt at his very audacity to even stand in their presence.

The castigation is at Impeachment or Conviction levels, meaning, it's as if they believe he has already been found guilty by a jury of their peers, and he is about to be carted off to Prison in Handcuffs and Shackles.

The fact that the Press thinks they can spin a story out of nowhere, and unseat a man of Ben Carson's trustworthiness and authority, is a demonstration of the fact that the MSM believes they own the patent on the truth. And no one else is allowed to use truth. They have the monopoly, or so they think.



Anonymous said...

Good thing. Media is attempting to do a Palin on him. Interesting to see if he finds any friends in the black community willing to provide some blowback.

Always On Watch said...

This time around, I doubt that Palinizing is going to work.

Anonymous said...

Really? Are you trying to compare Palin to Dr. Carson? Palin opened herself to attack and scrutiny when after advocating chastity until marriage, her daughter gets pregnant, when she calls her daughter's in-laws white trash. There was reason to attack Palin's qualifications as a very possible US president. There is none to attack Carson, other than ... I just came up with the following line of reasoning.

Is it possible theMSM gave candidate Obama a pass because he was half white, and therefore, only half black? Let's remember Dr. Carson has neither a white parent, nor an African parent descendant from a line free men.
Dr. Carson would be the very first descendant of American slaves to become president of the US. Could this be too much for the plantation owners, and those who count among their ancestors members of the KKK?

Just a thought,

Pastorius said...

No, I'm not comparing Palin to Carson. I'm saying the media is trying to do to Carson what they did to Palin. And it's not going to work.

Your theory is interesting. It's hard for me to believe the Left is THAT racist. But they do show themselves to be racist over and over.

Who knows?