Thursday, September 10, 2015

It's The Beginning of the End of Europe

Muslim Refugee Camp

From Ynet:
Like everyone, I have also been watching the refugee "invasion" of Europe in the past few days. And an examination of the European Union's plan for taking them in has finally convinced me that the Europeans still know nothing about what is happening in the Middle East – and definitely not about the danger they are facing. 
The European leaders, led by the leaders of Germany and France, didn't understand anything about 40 years ago, when they opened their gates to laborers from Turkey and the Maghreb countries. 
Now they are repeating the same mistake – and this time to a much larger extent. Whether out of innocence or out of foolishness, the Europeans are failing to realize that they are singlehandedly creating fundamental changes in their populations, which will lead in the coming years to the complete disappearance of the tradition, culture and progress of their countries. 
In other words, in the not so distant future we will witness the end of "classic Europe" and the establishment of an Islamic rule across the entire continent. This may sound apocalyptic. 
However, it's close to becoming a fact. Germany, which is willing to take in 800,000 to 1 million refugees every year, is incapable of turning them into full-fledged citizens. On the contrary: 
The refugees, who are mostly Muslims, have turned Germany into a territory in which they will set the tone and turn into the real rulers. Just like Germany failed in its efforts to take in hundreds of thousands of Turkish work migrants – who have so far preserved their language, their traditional customs, including vendetta and "honor killing," and who don’t even turn to civil courts to settle issues like murder but prefer their traditional courts – it definitely won't manage with the millions of Muslims it is willing to take in now. 
Not to mention France or Sweden, which are even less prepared. 
The EU plan also details the number of refugees who are supposed to be taken in by Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Croatia. But this is just further proof of the misunderstanding of the continent's leaders: It's clear that not a single refugee will agree to settle in countries like Bulgaria and Romania, which are among the poorest in Europe, and it's not at all certain that countries like Poland and the Czech Republic will agree to take in the refugees. 
It's also strange that Europe's leaders are unaware of the fact that the large majority of their public doesn’t even want the refugees. 
So in conclusion, it seems that Europe is once again ignoring the dangers it is facing and is failing to realize that this is the beginning of the end of the old continent.
Europe is ignoring it's own history with Islam.

One of the stupidest distortions of history - and we hear this one all the time - is that the time of the Islamic ransacking of Constantinople, Alexandria, and the Iberian Pensinsula brought on the "Golden Age of Islam," which is depicted as "a time of great learning", when Christians, Jews, and Muslims lived in peace and harmony.

If that is true, why did Europeans think it necessary to kick the Muslims the fuck out of their countries?

My advice: READ HISTORY.


Always On Watch said...

Will it take another Inquistion for Europe to survive?

Always On Watch said...

BTW, it took Spain over 700 years to get rid of the boot of Islam on their throats.


Gary said...

"On June 2 I pointed to (German) statistics showing that Germany was ahead of Japan in the category of countries with a low birthrate. "At this rate, each new generation of Germans is smaller by a third than the preceding generation, and there would be 20 million fewer Germans by 2060."

"Unless you turn the Syrians, Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis, Chechens, etc… into Germans."

"And it's why Germany, the German business leaders, hence German politicians, obviously supported by the bishops and the pastors, bring "migrants" into their land."

This is the real reason. The ruling class is going to be in for a rude shock. The muslims don't intend to work. They'll make the Germans their slaves.

No wonder the Statsi Merkel said Germay can take 500,000 refugees very year. She wants to replace the German people with savages from the Middle East and Africa
There is more at:

Pastorius said...

Thanks, Gary.

Ciccio said...

Gary, the average German knew quite well what the onslaught of Turks meant and it was understood that under no circumstance were the first Turks allowed to bring families. They were hired for a fixed period only on condition they went back home after their contract. It was only after a few years that the Business class realized that allowing permanent settlement kept pressure on wages, the politicians found a new source of voters and the bleeding heart pastors could show their goodness and charity to the world without having to actually spend anything.