Wednesday, November 05, 2014

More Australian Muslims Fight For The Islamic State Than Against It…

Khaled Sharrouf with ISIS in Iraq - 
On Welfare in Australia 
AND He Fights For ISIS 

From the Australian:
THERE are more Australian Muslims fighting in the Middle East for terrorist group Islamic State than there are Australian Muslim soldiers serving to stop the extremist organisation. 
An estimated 70 Australians have travelled to Syria and Iraq to fight with Islamic State and, according to the Australian Defence Force, just 100 of the nation’s 30,000 full-time soldiers identify as Muslim. 
Based on that proportion, with 600 ADF members serving in the Middle East, there would be about two Muslims involved in repelling the terrorist group. 
Muslims represent about 2.2 per cent of the Australian population but only 0.33 per cent of ADF members, a more than sixfold under -representation in armed services.
WZ comments:
It’s even worse in the UK where more British Muslims fight for ISIS than serve in the entire military.

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