Saturday, October 19, 2013

What’s the positive message, Repubs, Tea Party?

Obamacare is bad for you.
It will make the debt worse.
The debt is bad for you. You have to pay up.
The debt is bad for your children. They have to pay up.
The giant card is maxed out, and the minimum payments are larger than your mortgage 
The EPA is monitoring the alcohol on your breath by their stealth drones Saturday mornings
The NSA knows how big your schvantz is, and how tight your vajayjay is, but the good news is Obamacare will pay for adjustment to both. If you can sign up.
The CIA gets it’s actionable information from a rented Chinese satellite and Wikipedia
The Navy will be destroyed by the DF-21
Shenzen is now making iToilets
These are all scolding messages. They are factually correct (well, except for the amusement license), but they won’t get votes except from those who can connect the dots from lack of debt to personal freedom, and to peace of mind every single minute of every single day.
It’s clear from the instant SUCCESS of the tea party in 2010, to their more recent failures in terms of candidates, and inability to convince others IN the legislature to go their way that the maximum effect of this groundswell of agitation has been reached.
It’s clear that the republican party, short of Paul Ryan’s message of AUSTERE DISCIPLINE has NO MESSAGE.
Both need to coalesce around a message of wallet growth, lack of debt, and the personal freedom that equates to. Make the ocean rise (yes I know that is an anti ecological message) .
Now republicans, and tea partiers, GET YOUR iconic message of HAPPY ENDING (no, not that kind).
The guy gets the girl message. They live in Provence, or Idaho, or South Carolina … IF.
If you choose this path, we get this ending.
Republicans can’t SCOLD their way to national direction.
As my grandmother would say, “FARSHTAY?”


Unknown said...

You gonna love this one Epa.

Obama admin caught in blatant software piracy; script powering ripped off from UK company.

Epaminondas said...

As curly sez... Nyuk nyuk nyuk

Epaminondas said...

So they can't even steal code that works? It's fantastic