Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Fate Of Dissidents

Let's take a look at the fate of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Remember that their cause succeeded.

Think about this:
[T]he methods of communication in the 18th century American life may have helped keep their identities secret. "It would have been very difficult for a member of the British troops to actually find out in any given place who in that community had something to do with the Declaration of Independence because of the complete lack of communication," co-author Denise Kiernan said. Their actions deemed treasonous, some were imprisoned and treated as "high value prisoners," while others, who enjoyed great wealth in their prime, died penniless. A few emerged from the revolution to live long and happy lives...
As we few embark upon the new role of this blog, we need to go into this with our eyes wide open.

I've made my decision to throw my lot in with what matters most: American principles, not "American" principles.

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