Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Single Most Important Issue for the 2012 Election is:

The SINGLE most important issue for the 2012 election is:
Debt/Deficit Control (even if it MIGHT slow down recovery..might)
Jobs/Economy (perhaps at the expense of deficit for a while)
Overall National Security
Jihad/Stealth Jihad/ Terrorism
Health Care/ Obamacare Repeal
Social Justice and Fairness
Education free polls


Always On Watch said...

Excellent poll.

jeppo said...

The SINGLE most important issue for the 2012 election is:

Illegal immigration/Border security

Epaminondas said...

I should have listed it overall national security for this question...

SamenoKami said...

I was ready to vote > Jobs/employment
but the "at the expense of the deficit" qualifier doesn't fit.
To create jobs all the gov't has to do is get the &*(# out of the way.
It ain't that difficult.

Epaminondas said...

sameo...if that is the case then you just described the first answer, no?

less govt- less debt -more private enterprise - even if the recovery is slower due to less $ at first

Pastorius said...

I'm with Sameno, in a way. I was going to vote Jobs/Economy, but I thought, that will just happen naturally if the government repeals Obamacare.

I am one of those who believe there are a lot of untapped assets (in the form of investment cash) sitting around waiting for Obama and his policies to go away.

Pastorius said...

And, to put it another way, I think Obamacare, when actually applied to reality, will permanently damage the American economy.

It has to be repealed, or we're living in Europe.

Epaminondas said...

'there are a lot of untapped assets (in the form of investment cash) sitting around waiting for Obama and his policies to go away.'

absolutely a fact.

but enough to make THE diff if the govt doesn't ID (correctly and opposite to solyndra) those spots govt load guarantees and research grants will be the tell for the USA?
like nuclear fusion?

I'm not sure where I come down on that

jeppo said...

@Epa, no I'm not an American voter, just an interested outsider.

I think that illegal immigration and border security, what Peter Brimelow calls the National Question, overlap with national security, the economy (particularly wrt unemployment), law enforcement (or lack thereof), education, preservation of traditional American culture (esp. English as the common language), and just plain fairness.

That's why Rick Perry is the worst possible candidate the GOP could nominate. On the NQ he's worse than Bush, worse than McCain, and arguably worse than even Obama. A Republican Congress would veto any attempt by Obama to ram through amnesty, but they might roll over for a Perry-sponsored amnesty.

Check out this post from VFR, speculating that as a Texas nationalist, Perry feels little connection to the rest of the United States. I would describe him as a Tex-Mex nationalist, displaying nothing but hostility toward Washington DC while at the same time cuddling up to the ruling clique in Mexico City. When Perry made Texas the first state to give in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens, he went to Mexico to brag about favouring "undocumented" Mexicans over taxpaying American citizens from other states. He's also made serious noises about Texas secession, so his loyalty to America as a whole has to be questioned.

The plutocrats who have bankrolled Perry's political career want a limitless supply of cheap (illegal) labour, and Perry has been happy to oblige them. It's part of the same old Slave Power mentality that's always pervaded the upper classes in the South. At one time it was unpaid black slaves that propped up the plantation economy of the South. Now it's the underpaid brown peons that keep the owners of farms, factories, restaurants, hotels, etc. swimming in gravy. Privatize the profits and socialize the costs is their motto.

The last thing America needs is another "compassionate conservative" governor of Texas for president. Tried that, didn't work, move on.

jeppo said...

Ten reasons why Rick Perry is bad on immigration

Epaminondas said...

HERE is your american renaissance and its founder Jared Taylor

Epaminondas said...


jeppo said...

Your objections to Amren are duly noted. Now please tell me what facts you object to in the specific article I linked.

"preservation of traditional American culture"

Epa: "what does that mean?"

You cut off the part where I explained what that means--"esp. English as the common language".

America is rapidly becoming a de facto English-Spanish bilingual society. As a Canadian, trust me, you don't want to go there. But bilingualism will be far, far worse in the US than it is in Canada.

In Canada there is for the most part territorial separation between English and French speakers, French in Quebec, English everywhere else. Only New Brunswick and the city of Ottawa are officially bilingual at the provincial/major municipal level. In the US, English and Spanish speakers are mixed together, particularly in the Southwest. Bilingualism greatly favours the minority language groups (French in Canada, Spanish in the US) who tend to speak English at a far higher rate than Anglos who speak French or Spanish.

In Canada the federal government is essentially run by a bilingual elite (only 17% of the pop. is bilingual), the vast majority of whom hail from in or around Quebec. Not only must the prime minister and other key ministers be bilingual, so do all the most powerful bureaucrats who run all the departments, the permanent government if you will. This includes the army, the RCMP, the post office, etc., and also pan-Canadian non-governmental organizations like, say, the Canadian Dental Association or the Canadian Autoworkers Union. So 83% of Canadians, overwhelmingly English speaking, basically have no hope of ever reaching the highest echelons of the federal government or other pan-Canadian institutions. Only at lower levels of government can unilingual Canadians hope to advance.

Because English and Spanish speakers are mixed together in the US, mandatory bilingualism there will spread from the municipal and state level upwards to the fed gov, the opposite of top-down Canada. Eventually, if this is not already the case, English-Spanish bilingualism will be mandatory for the governors and other high officials of New Mexico, Texas, California, etc., the mayors of LA, Houston, Miami, etc., all the way down to police chiefs, sanitation inspectors and dogcatchers. This will eventually filter up to the federal level where bilingualism will become mandatory for the president, veep, et cetera et cetera ad nauseam ad infinitum. And the vast majority of this new bilingual elite will be native Spanish speakers.


jeppo said...

In Canada, most English and French speakers trace their roots to Northwestern Europe. They date back to the voyages of John Cabot and Jacques Cartier respectively, in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. Today they are virtually indistinguishable white people with a shared history dating back to the beginnings of Canada.

There are no noticeable differences in average IQ between French and English speakers, at least none that I'm aware of. Neither English nor French owe any allegiance to foreign countries, namely England and France (the monarchy notwithstanding, Elizabeth II is Queen of Canada), though French speakers are mainly loyal to just Quebec while English speakers are loyal to Canada as a whole.

In the US by contrast, English speakers trace their history to the the early 17th century settlements at Jamestown and Plymouth Rock, while Spanish speakers played only a small, localized role (New Mexico, Florida, etc.) in the first 350 years of European settlement in America. The "Hispanic" population category, now numbering more than 50 million thanks to open borders and the refusal to enforce immigration laws, was only invented during the Nixon Administration. Unlike the French in Canada, they are Johnny-come-latelys.

Hispanics, unlike old-stock Americans (excluding blacks), are mainly non-white mestizos, but even the white Hispanics are favoured over the Anglo-American founding stock by absurd, discriminatory affirmative action laws. So along with creating a linguistic division in the US, the exploding Hispanic population is creating a parallel racial division in American society, again, unlike the French in Canada.

The average IQ of Mexican, Central American and Caribbean mestizo/mulatto Hispanics is in the 85-90 range, well below the 100 average for Anglo Americans. And this IQ gap is not going away any time soon, so even in the unlikely scenario that bilingualism and affirmative action are outlawed in the US, a vast educational, economic and social gap will exist between Anglos and Hispanics for generations to come. This is a problem Canada doesn't have, at least not with the French.

And worst of all are the irredentist claims of Mexico and many Mexican Americans over the entire American Southwest. They didn't cross the border, you see, it crossed them. When the US soccer team plays Mexico at the Rose Bowl, Americans of Mexican dissent not only cheer for Mexico, but boo the Star Spangled Banner, pelt the US team with rotten fruit and beat up (Anglo) fans cheering for the US. Even multi-generation Mexican Americans fly the Mexican flag and hold their first loyalty to Mexico, not the United States. No one in Quebec flies the French flag or has any loyalty to France.

Most Americans look at bilingualism in Canada and don't like what they see, rightly so. It creates a permanent division in society and eventually leads to political separatism. But bilingualism in the US has the potential to be far, far worse. So stop illegal immigration, get serious about border security and declare English to be the sole official language of the US at all levels of government. Or else kiss your country goodbye.

Epaminondas said...

English should be the ONLY PUBLICLY ACCEPTABLE spoken language in the US .. schools, courts, legislature...PERIOD. If you are in court and need a translator, bring your checkbook.

Hospitals are different.

You either assimilate or you fail.

As for speaking more than one language, it's always an advantage. That's just common sense. I couldn't get out of High School in Merrick. NY without passing a proficiency test in one of 4 languages. But that was because of how the school board at the local level saw things.

By the way as far as English 'culture' (?) I think language has little to do with that.

As far as IQ, trying to differentiate IQ based on national 'heritage' is slippery slope. If you really want to go all the way with that I can make a case that asians are what we want the nation to be, second to that, jews.
I think that's all bogus. It's what your parents compel you to undertake. If they are making you read, do your homework and study, you win. You do well on the IQ test. If they insist schools teach two languages, and whine about cultural disadvantages inherent in the IQ test and SAT's you lose.

America should remain a total meritocracy and since it HAS gotten away from that in terms of the greed of banks inventing corrupt 'products', large multinationals reorganizing on large scales to minimize taxes or GET $ from the govt on that basis (GE) and the political classes who reward each other ... THIS is a far larger threat than some mestizo cutting grass and paying SOME taxes who cannot speak English and has no clue