Saturday, September 17, 2011

Comics Beat fawns over Craig Thompson and Habibi

A writer on Comics Beat, some of whose contributors used to work for Publishers Weekly, has written something of a fawn-gush over moonbat Craig Thompson's graphic novel gushing over Islam called Habibi; he's going on a promo tour about it. The writer says:
...since I’m currently in the midst of the 672 pages of Habibi, terrified of a broken nose (remember falling asleep reading Harry Potter in bed?), I can tell you Habibi is all meat.
Halal too, right? Please, do tell us about it.

Here's where the writer of this puff piece really takes a turn for the worst:
Thompson will no doubt have to answer many questions like “what gives you the right to” yada yada but as a thoughtful and sincere creator, maybe he will bridge some of the gap betwixt the Islamic and Christian communities or at least help people realize how similar they are.
Please, do keep going. Does the Koran contain any commandment like "Thou shalt not kill/commit murder"? as the Judeo-Christian bibles do? Speaking of which, interesting how the Christian community is brought up, but not the Jewish community (and if they were, would they only cherish Reform Judaism?). And I guess they don't care about the horror Muhammed caused many in the 7th century either, nor his marriage to a 6-year-old girl. It's shameful how they deliberately fawn over this kind of propaganda.

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