Friday, December 03, 2010

Rant -- What the Hell does the Season Have To Do With It?

I've had Fox News on in the background while I join the other 9.8% of my fellow Americans job hunting today.

The one thing they keep coming back to about the jobless report is how can you cut off unemployment to all these people especially at this time of year (what the Hell does the time of year have to do with it?) then in the next breath that we can't keep paying U.C. benfits indefinitely because it encourages people to not look for work or to take a lesser job.


Now, I don't disagree that you can't extend benfits forever. However. . .

The percentage playing the game, as it were, is very small. The real issue is not that they won't take that lesser paying job but when there is one job for every 5 counted unemployed THAT JOB DOES NOT EXIST or THEY ARE OFTEN TOLD THEY ARE OVERQUALIFIED. The employer knows to a certainty that they may hire the person for the lesser job, train them, then watch them walk when the better opportunity comes along. Whereas a much younger/less experienced person will be less inclined to look for something better.

Meanwhile, we have spent TRILLIONS bailing out banks and car companies and now the E.U. and the government has the fucking gall to tell us that budget cuts have to start somewhere let's start with unemployment benefits?

And now they are playing games with the Tax Cuts exemption and Unemployment. The American People as a political football. And they have done NOTHING to encourage job creation. But the Senate wants to talk about giving children of illegals citizenship. Hey, how about the citizens already here?

They need to find a way to help these people stay afloat until they can figure out how to get them back to work. Fuck Ireland. Fuck Greece and Spain. Fuck the E.U. Fuck G.E. and GM and Ford and Toyota. Let them flail on their own for awhile we have serious problems right here right now.

So to the Pissants and Nitwits in D.C., and you Pissants and Nitwits about to take over in January, ask yourself what this country is going to look like when 17 million (counted) people no longer have an income, no longer pay any taxes, no longer pay mortgages and your precious banks start losing money (how are you going to bail them out then), no longer have a place to stay and are on the streets with their families, unable to feed those families. What the fuck are you going to do then? ANd what about those who HAVE taken the lesser job, and no longer qualify for U.C. benefits, but continue to lose ground every paycheck because cannot find anything that comes even close to what they used to make? Those people not included in your fucking "official" number? What are you going to do when the economic engine grinds to a halt for lack of oil?

9.8%. 15 million. 17 million. $55 billion.

As someone who lost his job just as the bottom fell out 8 months into Obamanomics there is only one statistic that counts.


I lay this American debacle right at your feet.

Happy Fucking Holidays, you shitbirds.

Kiss my white bitter clinging ass.


Always On Watch said...

We're in an unsustainable situation.

The more unemployed people we have (Numbers are climbing, aren't they?), the less funding for unemployment benefits.

Fuck Ireland. Fuck Greece and Spain. Fuck the E.U. Fuck G.E. and GM and Ford and Toyota. Let them flail on their own for awhile we have serious problems right here right now.









us, those of us who have been part of the backbone of our nation's economy for decades and are now shit on the floor.

Always On Watch said...

But the Senate wants to talk about giving children of illegals citizenship.

Tank the economy even more. That's the goal.

Epaminondas said...

I have two friends who have PURPOSEFULLY eliminated qualifications, experience and expertise because they are overqualified for everything