Friday, December 10, 2010

Does This Count As An Act of (Psychological) Terrorism?

During the day I frequently listen to our local conservative talk-radion station WTKK in Boston. Today two of the talk-show hosts reported an incident that occurred during a remote broadcast yesterday, which I consider to have been an act of deliberate "psychological terrorism", or at least blatant intimidation. I don't have a written account I can post, but here is what listeners were told.

On Thursday, 12/09/10, WTKK did a remote broadcast from a large shopping mall south of Boston for the benefit of a US military personnel support organization called Fisher House. This was announced in advance on the station. The remote was set up in an open area of the mall, and right next to the visit-Santa set-up.

According to the talk-show hosts, about 5:30 in the afternoon an man in Islamic garb plus a large heavy overcoat (it was extremely cold in NE yesterday) approached the remote set-up, "glared" at the personalities manning the table, then proceeded to perform his evening Muslim prayers (sans prayer rug, apparently) in a very loud voice in the middle of the mall's open area. Both the talk-show hosts who reported the incident said that they felt intimidated and wondered if this person represented either a threat or was someone enacting a "dry run". He was not carrying any shopping bags and appeared to have entered that area of the mall for the express purpose of staring down the people at the remote set-up and performing his prayers at that location.

Though I assume there was security present in the mall, apparently no one attempted to interfere with or even monitor this individual (though of course we can't know who was watching on the mall tv monitors). When he completed his prayer, he left. I don't know if they legally could have done anything about it anyway, but my impression is that this was a deliberate act of intimidation and perhaps even provocation, and that his intent (besides his delusion of bringing down the wrath of Allah) was essentially psychological terrorism. The people who were there aren't quite sure what to think.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Wimpy Beantown sissies!(Michael Graham Little Jay Severin etc.)

They should have grabbed on of those super-hot Israeli chicks who are selling dead sea cosmetics at the Burlington Mall.....they'd know what to do!

revereridesagain said...

I think they were down at the Braintree Mall or somewhere -- it was south of Boston. Severin was going on about how he nearly reached for his gun. Har.

Btw, while looking up something at my hometown newspaper site I noticed a police log entry about a "creepy" car with a guy in it "reading the Koran or something" parked at the entrance to a private road and right next to a beach I frquent in summer. Since our town is, I'm ashamed to say, about 99% dhimmified, highlighting this entry was obviously meant in the spirit of "oooooo... look at the howwible Islamophobia!"

I just wonder what was actually going on. People here don't usually stick their heads in the windows of parked cars to see what their occupants are reading. I wonder what the "or something" was.

Anonymous said...

Not exactly one of the more delightful alternatives to a musical flash mob in the local mall.

My guess ... it was a dry run to the Islamic equivalent of a 'sit-in'.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Personally i think in the coming days,weeks and months more and more will enter the mall to pray,just to show that "They don't want to take over your country".My advice clean the floors with something potent.

American Rose said...

Yes, it is psychological terrorism. Just like the asshole on the train I took out of Philly to NYC once who opened up his Korshitran on the train and began reading. Not out loud, but my point is, it bothered me intensely. You would think they could show some sensitivity and not read their unholy hate book on a fucking train. When these inbreds start praying in public, it's gone to far and it is terrorism.

Wonder what our old friend Abdooss thinks of the decision in Malaysia that if the Korshitran says you can fuck little girls, the government cannot intervene to stop such a crime, because their religion trumps sanity and decency.

And hey, maybe it's been posted here before, (I know I've read about it on many sites), but I have never seen this video before that someone posted on WZ last night where some ragheads are discussing Ayatolalala Kohloco fucking that little five-year-old girl with her father's blessing. Pretty sick stuff, the way they can justify it and laugh about it.

BabbaZee said...

The answer to such things is to pray to the GOD of Israel right next to him


Yell the Shema or a Psalm or something
cast out Satan a little bit
The Our Father will do

If someone starts to pray to Satan in front of me this is wht I do

BabbaZee said...

We are supposed to be a nation of Priests

time we started to act like one

BabbaZee said...

psychological terrorism.. ?

Never affected Elijah when he was throwing down with the prophets of Ba'al on Mt Carmel.

Everyone wants to define this stuff in secular terms and look for secular solutions

There are no secular solutions

pray right back in their faces

read your bible on the subway

do some "psychological terrorism" of your own

1 Kings 18:21
Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” But the people said nothing.

Anonymous said...

C'mon folks! These sissie-boys should be banned from the radio. (And deported to some "Rainbow Republic".

American Rose said...

But BabbaZee,

I'm not religious. I'm tolerant of my own religious heritage, especially these days, but I'm more inclined to cuss at the mooslum than say a prayer. He's disturbing the peace and creating alarm. He should be escorted away immediately by police, if not arrested. If we show any tolerance toward their propensity to hike their asses up in the air anywhere, ... then we're going to start seeing the mess in the streets that is Paris and that is totally unacceptable.

revereridesagain said...

I expect one day this is all going to come down to a fight between those who insist we MUST worship one ancient Middle Eastern desert god and those who insist we MUST worship a different one.

I will be sitting over on the island under the lighthouse with a cold beer and a Terry Pratchet book. Let me know which set of arrogant jerks wins.

BabbaZee said...

there is one thing your enemy understands succinctly that that you do not

it is in fact a holy war

and I do not give one rats ass what GOD you worship see I am not an evangelical and I am not interested in "converting" anyone

you want to stop them? you think you can do it by smashing storefronts or shooting them?

not gonna happen.

They rise because we left them a vacuum to rise IN

when they pray on the streets in Paris no crowd of Christians and Jews come out to pray across the street do they? And if they did, they would "win"

they dont come
because there are none left

and Islam rises in that absence

You may not be interested in RELIGIOUS WAR
but RELIGIOUS WAR is VERY interested in your ass

and you have not the tools to fight it

Epaminondas said...

Frankly I'm amazed that Severin is not in jail for some action he would have taken.

BTW RRA, it will be between those who insist we worship the desert god of rivers of blood, and those who want to get laid in THIS WORLD, AS WELL

BabbaZee said...

what action should he have taken then??
shoot him?
for praying out loud?

Meantime your hero was TERRORIZED by it according to this piece. Psychologically.

and IMO?
If he knew his own GOD he would NEVER be " terrorized " by some Muslim praying loudly. They KNOW it terrorizes you.

and meantime they fear the GOD of Israel more than your gun.
You people are woefully unarmed
for this battle. And if he was going to use his a gun or something else in this vein like the big man you are intimating he is - why then, was he feeling so TERRORIZED...

This is a victim mentality and it is a victim mentality in the absence of GOD and the reliance on the self.

No one wants to hear it but it is true regardless.

Anonymous said...

"I'm amazed that Severin is not in jail for some action he would have taken."

Severin is a wimp. Little Jay could not defend himself against a crippled kindergartner.

revereridesagain said...

Babba, do not tell me that reliance on the self, on reason, on understanding of the crucial importance of what we are defending is somehow inferior because it does not include your god or you are going to get an argument back, whether you or anyone else around here likes it or not.

revereridesagain said...

Anonymous -- he talks big, but that's probably the extent of it. I think he and Graham and the producers at that station have concluded that they need at least half a dozen idiot references to how Big Strong Men Are Better Than You Wimmin per hour in order to hold the attention of their "fan base".

I keep telling myself I should listen to Rush instead.

BabbaZee said...

we have had conversations such as these in the past. I am not "arguing" with anyone - and I do not attempt to "convert" anyone

I simply see it the way I see it and I say so
Seems to me people do not like that - and that they do not like it is fine with me and always was, as I have said to you and many others in the past...

bottom line is no one did shit and if there was some "arrogant" GOD mouth loon like me there someone would have PRAYED him outta there

and done it entirely unafraid
and it would have stopped him
or at least disrupted him greatly

The expression

you don't take a knife to a gun fight

comes to mind

Epaminondas said...

Babba, "This is a victim mentality and it is a victim mentality in the absence of GOD and the reliance on the self. "

God helps those who ......

HE gave us SELF-DETERMINATION to choose right and wrong.

Many of our muslim friends rely on god, and the results ANY WAY YOU WISH TO LOOK UPON THEM are negative.

AA -
No Muslim has EVER tried to intimidate me in person.

Those who have tried in arab forums I am sure hate my guts, but have failed.

BTW Jay Severin has already been disciplined for actions over the line, more than once, I believe.

Short of ASSAULT, what was the proper action?

Any action, of physical nature was the goal of that person for the reaction of the PC forces of the state which protected nurtured and promoted Major Hasan would grind away and the praying individual KNOWS THAT.


You tell me.

I am SICK TO DEATH to see arguments based on faith. They are POINTLESS. Faith is acceptance in the absence of and reliance upon PROOF.


Tolerance seems to be in short supply.



BabbaZee said...


Tolerance seems to be in short supply.

I have no argued it
I never argue it
I stated my opinion
as always

Your relationship with GOD is none of my business far as I am concerned it is between you and GOD not you and me

I have never once "argued" with someone about GOD
and everyone here knows it

there are reams of my posts for the reading pleasure to prove it

the reality is it seems the tolerance that is in such short supply here is being directed at me - and every time anything like this comes up and i state my opinion the same thing happens

I get accused of arguing and trying to convert when really it is you who are arguing and trying to convert.....

ah well

Yes you have to be SELF SUFFICIENT

but IMO the SELF
is not enough

and the SELF can not win what is at it's essence a holy war

like I say you dont have to like it
and i care not if you think I am insane

but it is the way i see it and so i say it

See and say babay

BabbaZee said...

Who so ever choses to be psychologically terrorized by praying Muslims is free to do so.

I am not at all terrorized by this because I believe what the Torah says

my GOD is GOD
so who should I fear?

Epaminondas said...

Faith is never insane, and my SCIENTIFIC experience directs me this way

But God IMHO, made us so that the self must ALWAYS be enough.

Otherwise, trained dogs under direction could do better than this MESS.

Please consider that strong personal opinions forcefully employed are easily perceived as argument.

Please consider that we are all combative assholes

And please recognize the ultimate suasion ..

I am always right

BabbaZee said...


Yes I know lots of people who are always right you are in good company

I myself am not always right

But I am FAR less wrong than I used to be


American Rose said...


What I have always liked a lot about Jews was that they were not evangelical.

Epa said: "Please consider that strong personal opinions forcefully employed are easily perceived as argument."

Yep! The next time I am confronted with some mooslum praying in public or reading their korshitran on a train, I think I will simply confront them and tell them that their behavior is not acceptable. And if I had been in that mall, I would have contacted security and expressed my alarm and concern and asked them to confront the scum. You pray in your house, or a church or synagogue, or in the case of mooslums, in a place of warship.

Pastorius said...

God gave us Free Will, so that we could choose to love Him and be with Him.

In order to allow us to use our Free Will, He also chose to allow us to live in a state where we do not know the future, and do not know the depths of Truth, Beauty, Justic, Grace, or Love, or in other words, we do not know the depths of God.

So, we see through a glass darkly, and therefore, we have to act by Faith as to what is in front of us, which path to choose, and who to follow, or not follow.

Babba's points are right, if you believe in God of the Bible.

If you are like RRA or American Rose, then you choose from the list of apparent options in front of you, with only your inner morality to guide you.

I don't care either way myself, cuz I believe this:

it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. 14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)

Epaminondas said...

"God gave us Free Will, so that we could choose to love Him and be with Him."

Honest question prob for another forum, and one which crosses all religion:
Does God need us to love him?
Does God need us to choose to love him?

Is that the purpose of free will?

Or is it to choose to make THIS MESS the best we can?

How can a perfect being need love?
Obviously he cannot, so loving him must be to our benefit.


" but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous."

Somerset Maugham .. that's the Razor's Edge, my friend.

BTW I would love to end up being with God, but as Groucho Marx once wisely said, I'd be hesitant to join any group that would have someone like me as a member.

No doubt an omnipotent being can solve this conundrum.

American Rose said...

Hey Epa,

Is god so powerful that he could make a rock so big that even he couldn't lift? :)

I'm just funning, folks. Kind of miss George Carlin. Greatly appreciate that I can have fun without my life being threatened for it, though!

Christine said...

Hmmm, sounds like a future "gonna blow something up" candidate.

He's nearly there.

I like the "pray louder than him" idea.

What's he gonna do, push the button?

Hell, all of us, even those who are not regular bible readers or church goers no some kinda prayer.

Use it against them. I hope I come upon one. ;)