Thursday, November 25, 2010

Man goes through airport security in Speedo


Anonymous said...

So....China is trying to takeover our blog too! We shall not sell! We shall NOT! (Not that I have any say in it!)

Oh and chinese dude, thanks for our sharing WHAT?!

Ah whatever, why argue with a bot!?

Pastorius said...

I erased the Chinese bot.

A couple things to notice;

1) They are selling American goods made in China (as I always point out, China has no real ideas of their own - they are a Communist system, so there is no incentive for innovation, and they just steal)

2) It's a bot, cuz the Chinese culture is so bland ( because the primary precepts of Chinese Religion, Buddhism, and Confucianism are acceptance of tradition, and of pain, rather than overcoming of it, as is the case in the Judeo-Christian tradition) that a bot is a better salesman than a Chinese person.

Pastorius said...

If the Chinese government wants to buy any IBA T-bills, WE'RE SELLING.