Friday, June 25, 2010

Kesha Rogers: A Black Democrat Who Doesn't Fit The Obama Narrative

According to Big Government, Kesha Rogers is running for a seat on Capital Hill by using the poster pictured left.

Read about Kesha Rogers HERE. Note the following:
[J]oin with the majority of the population, which stands in opposition to the present course taken by the President, and reaffirm our Democratic Party tradition; or continue the course imposed by the British Empire, and embraced by the present administration, which bails out speculators, rewards corrupt bankers, insurance companies, and BP, but turns its back on the tens of millions of Americans in despair, due to the breakdown of the economy and our financial system.
And this:
The urgency of forcing Barack Obama’s early resignation
There is much to disagree with Kesha Rogers on, of course. Still, it is interesting to note her lack of support for Obama.


revereridesagain said...

Also interesting is that her talking points are all Lyndon Larouche, which is also where most of the Obummah pictures with the Hitler 'stache originate from.

Always On Watch said...

Yes, indeed.

Interesting non sequitur as far as I'm concerned.