Saturday, May 15, 2010

Meanwhile At NCIS

NCIS as in the actual Naval Crime Investigative Service, not the CBS television series.

According to this Washington Post Muslims-whine-again piece, entitled in the newspaper's hard-copy edition as "Lifting the Siege on American Muslims" and "Compassion, prejudice and American Muslims" in the online edition:
...[L]ast week, the Naval Criminal Investigative Service stopped using an anti-Muslim film "Obsession: Radical Islam's Obsession with the West" to train agents.
Not unexpected, of course, what with BHO's outreach to the Islamic world and actual ban on certain terminology.

Here's an excerpt indicating the gist of the article cited above:
Today, though, American Muslims feel under siege. Too many feel the American dream is not for them.....
Muslims in the United States feel as if they're under siege?

Is that so?

Remember the days before 9/11, all those years during which we didn't need to have security all over the place, including taking our shoes off at airports, bag searches at museums, and barriers in front of our national memorials and museums? We have the jihado-maniacal Muslims to thank for all these inconveniences and delays.

Yet, American Muslims feel as if THEY are under siege.

We are living in the Age of Inversionism.

So far, the above-cited article has four pages of comments. Just one of those comments as a sample of the dust-rolling going on at the Washington Post's web site:
goodmam wrote:
I believe myself to be a tolerant person. I have been acquainted with Muslims as neighbors, colleagues, and students and knowing them has enriched my life. I know they represent the face of American Islam far more than the fanatics do. But I can never understand their thundering silence when the fanatics shout. As Americans, aren't they offended by deadly plots against their countrymen? Have they been cowed into silence? If the fanatics distort their religion, where is their outrage? I know that moderate people are usually outshouted by extremists, but Mr. Shater's remarks will have more power if Americans hear vigorous criticism and condemnation of Muslim terrorism from American Muslims.
5/15/2010 12:35:47 PM

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