Saturday, May 15, 2010

I Am The NRA

Speaking at the NRA Annual Leadership Forum Sarah Palin had it right.

If they thought they could get away with taking our guns they would.

But the truth is they know it would be worse political suicide than even Obamacare. Gun ownership spans all parties.

As long as we keep the pressure on every attempt at gun control, no matter how seemingly innocuous, keep hammering away at them, then a gun grab is highly unlikely.

But when we let up, relax, think we're safe, is when we'll lose.

I'm proud to say I was a member of the NRA years before I ever owned any firearms.

I am the NRA.

ok, here I think she's talking about my gun club pals. . .

Bitter Clinger forever


Epaminondas said...

HAHAHAHA Sarah Palin speaking at the NRA (Bill Maher is in the emergency room..palpitations), the only thing more pot stirring would be Ann Coulter speaking at NARAL.

Pastorius said...

I am a Bitter Clinger, and I don't even own a gun.

But, my wife does.