Friday, March 12, 2010

British Conservative Party's New Campaign Theme Song

David Cameron, leader of Britain's Conservative Party, has officially announced the party's theme song for the up-coming campaign, this designed especially to appeal to our Muslim voters. Said Cameron, "Ours is no longer the party of dinosaurs and reactionary Englishmen; ours is a progressive party; and our new theme song is designed to show all British voters our new and vibrant approach to multi-culturalism and our sensitivity to all British peoples. Because each of us is, in his or her own way, special.

Hear the British Conservative Party campaign theme song here.


Ray Boyd said...

Sounds like a windup to me. No links.

Pastorius said...

How to Disappear Completely by Radiohead would also be a very accurate campaign theme song, although perhaps even moreso for the Labor Party.

Anonymous said...

Little if any difference between nuLabour and Cameron's 'conservative' policies whose version of conservativism would be unrecognizable to anyone here in the US.


From the CentreRight website:
How Parliament should confront anti-Muslim hatred and violence
". . . If the Jamaat e Islami or the Muslim Brotherhood wanted to make representations, they should be allowed to do so. . . .Could such an enquiry be exploited by Islamists? Yes. Is that a good reason for not having it? No. Why? Because the problem of the hatred of Muslims and anti-Muslim violence, in particular, is grave. It's a wound that can only fester. Parliament has a role to play in drawing the poison."

Brits have at least two parties brazenly willing to commit cultural suicide.

Dag said...

Last word of the last line has in blue, "here." click on that, Ray, an there go to the theme song.

Ray Boyd said...

Dag: You misunderstand me. There are no links on the No Dhimmitude site. The posting on that site is a fraud.

Dag said...

Now I'm the one confused, Ray. No Dhimmitude is my blog. The link here should take you to a music video of Radiohead, a group of kids playing some metrosexual song that I suggest is the latest campaign theme song for the British Conservative Party. It could well be that my English humour is not so funny to those from Texas.

If that's the case, like the British prime minister in waiting, David Cameron, "I'm a loser. I don't belong here. I wish I were special, so fucking fucking special. I want to have a perfect body, I want control, but I'm a loser...."