Saturday, January 02, 2010

Why jews hate Palin?..I may have a FEW reservations, but I certainly don't hate Sarah Palin, and for that fact don't hate the moron in the White House

It's hard to hate morons.

Every once in a while a reinforcement comes along which tells you AGAIN, you just don't fit properly. This makes two in two days. (SPOILER ALERT) The first came about 2/3 of the way through "It's Complicated", Ms. Meyers ("Something's Got to Give") belly laugh filled, upper bourgeoisie (again), navel contemplating, 2 hour good time, when the children, all of whom are of or passed college, approach emotional collapse when informed that their 10 year divorced parents are having an affair, and might be getting together again. I expected some kind of joy. As did Alec Baldwin. Clearly I don't understand divorce. Or children of divorce. Maybe women too.

sarah_runningshorts.jpgThe second alert from Commentary Mag. I post the abstract, the full article will be in the extended window:

For more than a year, Sarah Palin has been a national Rorschach test. The views expressed about her reveal the distinctions and conflicting perceptions of often antagonistic groups of Americans--the religious and the secular, the conservative and the liberal, the urban and the small town, the elitist and the populist. And now, with the publication of her autobiography, Going Rogue, and Matthew Continetti's The Persecution of Sarah Palin, the Rorschach tests are being administered anew, and with increasing fervor. For her conservative admirers, she continues to exemplify independence, moxie, common sense, the superiority of the common American over the nation's elites, and the embodiment of modern womanhood and Christian faith. For her detractors, both conservative and liberal, she is uncouth, unschooled, a hick, anti-science and anti-intellectual, an upstart, and a religious fanatic. There is no group so firmly in the latter camp as American Jews. And there is much to learn in their reaction to Palin, both about her and about the sociological makeup of American Jewry today.

While Palin enjoys support from some prominent Jewish conservatives, it is not an exaggeration to say that, more so than any other major political figure in recent memory (with the possible exception of Patrick J. Buchanan), she rubs Jews the wrong way. In a September 2008 poll by the American Jewish Committee (AJC), Jews disapproved of Palin as the pick for McCain's vice-presidential running mate by a 54 to 37 percent margin. (By contrast, 73 percent approved of the selection of Joseph Biden as Obama's.)

Now I may regret that she immediately didn't shove Plessy vs Ferguson down Katie Couric's throat, or comment that Robert Jackson MIGHT HAVE redeemed his relative silence over Japanese internment camps (he was AG) by taking out the Nazis in Nuremberg, and then becoming a really fine justice, or waxing angry over Wilson's use of the Sedition laws, and the Supreme's acquiescence at the time ...but given aptitude, study and DESIRE TO EXCEL that can be corrected. I may not agree with her attitude about creation but so long as she doesn't seek to enforce that on others she is certainly more liberal than those who while naming themselves liberal, seek to confiscate the money of those who feel abortion is murder, for that murder they fear they will have to answer for to a higher authority.
But otherwise, Sarah holding that salmon she caught, and standing infront of the reverse turkey head chopper as the turkeys get chopped on thanksgiving alerts us all to the fact that Sarah Palin IS REAL (turkeys are whacked and then .. we EAT THEM...seeeeeee?) ... and that's is why she scares the hell out of most of the jews, and a lot of others as well, speaking of Alec Baldwin...


Ellen K said...

So the basic thing I take away from this is that the secular Jewish population has carved a niche for itself within the liberal political hierarchy by basically being snobs. Don't have an Ivy League degree? Then you are unworthy. Don't have an urban background? Then you are unworthy. So tenuous is the place of the secular Jew within society that they cling to liberal politicians, liberal causes and liberal goals even when they are to the direct detriment of Jews nationally. This explains why celebrities of Jewish heritage can blindly support causes that help fund Hamas lobbing bombs into Jerusalem. There are none so blind as those who will not see. This just makes the secular Jewish voting demographic appear to be nothing more than social and political opportunists. And that in the end, as their numbers continue to drop through lower birth rates and the assimilation into society at large, makes them worthless for consideration of support by any politician or group.

nunya said...

REAL JEWS LOVE SARAH PALIN. It's the "Jews" who pray at the altar of the ACLU and whose "religion" is leftism who can't stand her.

There are Jews (e.g., Joe Lieberman or Ron Radosh, to give a couple of not-too-conservative examples), and then there are "Jews" (e.g., Al Franken or Harvey Weinstein).

Steven Crowder made this distinction quite well:

The Sarah Palin thing probably has a 100% overlap with pro-Christian Jews, i.e., those of us with a moral compass and a sense of self-preservation.

Epaminondas said...

@EllenK = what u see is the repository of FDR's democratic party and the jews who immigrated here before 1924. When I told my grandfather I had voted for Reagan in 1980 he looked at me as if I was some kind of stranger.

As far as secular...anyone familiar with the real back ground of the story of Chanukah and the secular jews who wished to completely assimilate to greek ways...and did, until the maccabees came along?

Maccabees ... Sort of like these guys

Think gay marriage is a hot issue? You should she what happens in temple when you tell people you are a member

Damien said...


I think a lot of people hate Palin because she doesn't live up to the left wing stereotype of a successful women. For one thing, her pro life views are almost one hundred eighty degrees from that of a typical left leaning feminist. As for the stupid things she may have done or said, in the past, that's no reason to hate her. People in both parties, have said and done a few stupid things now and than. If she's made a huge amount of stupid mistakes, its an argument agianst voting for her, but not for hating her.

revereridesagain said...

I rather like Palin (except for a couple of issues) but I would like her in Congress much better than in the White House. We are going to need a very heavy hitter next time around and unless she can grow into that I'd have to more than just like her style.

We didn't know from politics in high school, but all the Jews I knew from halfway through college on out were Objectivists and/or Libertarians. Most of whom were quite secular. Consequently, I don't cut the liberal ostriches much slack.

So how much snow you got?