Saturday, December 12, 2009

15% of Democrats prefer Palin over Obama

From Don Suber:

The liberal Public Policy Polling surveyed 1,253 registered voters Dec. 4-7 and asked a bunch of political questions. It is releasing the results in batches.

Today’s release looked at the possible 2012 presidential match-ups.

It is way too early for that, but pollsters are the political paparazzi. We all hate them but look at their snapshots anyway.

President Obama topped Mike Huckabee 46-45, Mitt Romney 47-42, Sarah Palin 50-44 and Tim Pawlenty 48-35.

Among Democrats, 15% preferred Palin over Obama. To be fair, 12% of Republicans preferred Obama over Palin.

Huckabee did as well as Palin among Democrats, but with Huckabee’s clemency to Maurice Clemmons, who later murdered 4 police officers, he no longer seems to be a viable presidential candidate.

The poll also showed that 4% of the people who voted for Obama in 2008 said they will vote for Palin in 2012.

The survey results are here.

The Gazette has posted my Saturday column a little early. I won’t complain. Guess what it is on

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