Saturday, July 25, 2009

Nothing to see here, folks, move along. And mind the speed limit. . .

Ok, Pastorius, I'll see your dark haired Italian boobs and raise you several blonde Danish ones.

(found it at Grouchy Old Cripple)


revereridesagain said...


It works.

It annoys the Muslims.

The girls who've got it get to flaunt it.


Now, then. Speaking on behalf of the women drivers...

Pastorius said...


Frankly, I'm surprised that doesn't cause even more accidents.

Anonymous said...

"Were're the best" she stated. No argument there.

The driver's face was hysterical - he's thinking "I must have been Mother Theresa in my previous life."

AP at HotAir would title it "Blogger Moving to Denmark."


jaujau said...

If this doesn't get the Righteous Rioting Sons of Allah to boycott Danish ham and beer, I don't know will.