Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nosirree No race baiting here. . .

from last night's Obama fornication fest with the media:

Obama was asked about the arrest of Gates, who is his friend, at the end of a nationally televised news conference on health care Wednesday night.

"I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry," Obama said. "Number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home. And number three -- what I think we know separate and apart from this incident -- is that there is a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately, and that's just a fact."

Meanwhile, the arresting officer, Sgt James Crowley, pretty much thinks the President should stick to the teleprompter and otherwise keep his yap shut.

In radio interviews Thursday morning, Crowley maintained he had done nothing wrong in arresting Gates.

"I support the president to a point, yes, I think it's disappointing that he waded into what should be a local issue and something that plays out here," Crowley told WEEI. "As he himself said ... he doesn't know all the facts."

full story at Foxnews


Total said...

I heard about this and it is completely unacceptable for the president to make such disgusting comments. As usual, news outlets look the other way when he says or does something that would make him look bad. I'm pretty damn fed up with his invulnerability in the mainstream media, it's like nobody can touch him. He almost has a free pass to do or say whatever he feels like without any criticism or public backlash.

Rebellious Kafir said...

Good morning MR,
Here is a link to the police report

In my opinion, Professor Idiot should be thanking his neighbor for being so vigilant. If the police had not responded and the residence was robbed, then we would have to listen to them whine about how much the police hate black people for not responding.

Surely Barry doesn't think we are going to be sidetracked by his race baiting.

revereridesagain said...

To top it all off, Officer Crowley was the responding officer to administered CPR to Celtics team captain Reggie Lewis when he collapsed and died of heart failure on a practice court in 1993. Reggie was African-American.

And to put the cherry on it, I have seen at least one report that Gates' door was jammed in the first place as the result of a recent break-in attempt. Damn fool hadn't got around to having his door fixed, but hey, he's not one to let a good crisis go to waste. He's using it to persecute two "whitey" folks who tried to protect his home.

Total said...

The only "Whitey" from Boston that Barry should be prosecuting has a last name: Bulger. I didn't know that Officer Crowley was one of the people that attempted to revive Reggie Lewis in that tragic event. Reggie was in cardiac arrest and the officer still tried to revive him, what a racist!

"Lewis suffered sudden cardiac death on the basketball court at an off-season practice in 1993 at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. A Brandeis University police officer, James M. Crowley desperately tried to save his life after the Boston Celtics star collapsed. Crowley was a certified emergency medical technician when he performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Lewis, to no avail, after the player’s heart stopped on July 27, 1993."

No mention of this anywhere in the media!

Anonymous said...

I knowwww its just crazy! next someone will say hes a wealth distributing socialist friend of dictatorial thugs like chavez/

Anonymous said...

on a serious note I can only wish there were a picture floating around out thier of berry wearing a che' shirt

Total said...

Whether he wears the shirt or not, BO probably has a deep admiration for Che and how he helped those who were exploited by "the man" and the "Evil Empire". In my opinion, having friends like Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers says a lot more than wearing a stupid Che Guevara shirt.

By the way, if the people who wear those shirts are true supporters of Che's ideology, they wouldn't wear those shirts. The Che shirts have become fashion statements and I'm sure the companies that sell them are raking in tons of cash. The Result? Idiot "socialist" leftists unwittingly supporting capitalism in some the most textbook ways.

Always On Watch said...

BHO admitted that he didn't know all the facts. For that reason, he shouldn't have commented at all.

christian soldier said...

You all know me-I follow the $$ and power-my post on this extends to the ? why Gates exacerbated the situation?...

Pastorius said...

I think this is a setup similar to the Flying Imams. That's my hunch.

And, I think Barry Soetero was in on it.

Godefroi said...

There was considerable controversy early on in O's campaign about whether or not he was "Black enough". I think that his recent comments supporting Gates, along with his recent speech to the NAACP, are calculated to enhance his "blackness" credentials.