Saturday, July 04, 2009

No Coup in Honduras

Hat Tip: Natalie Kafie


Pastorius said...

Yes, there was no coup in Honduras, but Barack Obama is attempting a coup d' etat in Honduras by siding with Chavez and the OAS to try to put the Communist Zelaya back in power against the orders of the Judiciary and the Legislature.

Carlos Echevarria said...

Pastorius, I could not have said it better myself!

By the way, Honduras resigned form the OAS in light of that socialist scumbag's Insulza over bearing manner yesterday when dealing with Supreme Court Chief Jorge Rivera, Pres. Micheletti and others...

Oh and Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez, one of the top Latin Cardinals, who is also my niece's great uncle, just announced via a speech on TV that the Honduran Catholic Church is publically telling Zelaya NOT to return to Honduras, as well. (Zelaya has gone after the church in Honduras, which is linked to the more conservative sectors of society)

Pastorius said...

Honduras resigned from the OAS? I'd swear the media is spinning it as Honduras being kicked out of the OAS. Am I right?

Great news about the Catholic Church. As I'm sure you know, the Catholic Church in S. America has been filled with Communist priests the past few decades. It's good to hear they're getting their act together.

Carlos Echevarria said...

I will have the post up soon regarding the OAS getting the boot.

As for the church, there were elements and adherents of Liberation Theology in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Brasil, Colombia and Haiti.

However, under John Paul II, with Joseph Ratzinger at his side, enforcing the faith, they were expelled and replaced.

In Chile, Honduras, Argentina, to name a few, have been on the bulwark of anti commie activity.

Chavez, Castro, Zelaya, Ortega, Morales, Kitchner, et al, have very poor relations with the Vatican, be it JP2 or B16, for obvious reasons.

Lula and Bachelet have a moderate relation, at best.

Pastorius said...

Ah, I didn't know ANY of that.

Thanks for teaching me.

I know very little about South America.

Carlos Echevarria said...

But you are right on a broader leve the 70 and early 80s saw an incredible rise of Liberation Theology even at a regional level, in terms of Archbishops from Colombia and Brazil.

The election of JP2 was part and parcel a reaction to that and what was going on in Poland.