Saturday, June 20, 2009

One in four will be a Muslim, gloats British MP

Religion has contributed to education, politics and morality, reckons the Tory MP Paul Goodman. “It is completely impossible to imagine human life or social life without it.”

Oh no it isn’t.

He was talking about how one in four of the population of Wycombe will one day be Muslim. He seems to think that is a good thing.

In and of itself, there’s no argument. People should be free to practise their chosen superstition (much as they hate it when some people choose not to practise any at all). However, because Muslims tend to be shrill and demanding, it won’t be long before sharia law creeps ever further into Britain’s legal system. All it needs is a concession here and a concession there, and each one becomes a precedent, and on precedent new laws are made.

His talk of how religion has contributed to education, politics and morality is like saying fresh air has contributed to education, politics and morality because people breathe it. Things would have happened without religion, because it’s human beings who have set the agenda.

Some agendas have been set by religious people based on their religious beliefs, yes, and we have some of those hanging about like a bad smell nowadays, such as religion’s propensity for interfering in what people do in their bedrooms.

However, when human beings have thoughts and make laws, they do so as human beings, and call upon a whole raft of reference points and examples. It is not hard to imagine a world without religion, Mr Goodman.

Given that we have religion, however, it needs to be kept in its place: behind closed doors and between consenting adults – just as homosexuality had to be when it was “legalised” in Britain (I prefer to think it was still criminal, but with a few exceptions) in 1968.

Religion was happy that that should be the case. But it bleats when the so-called New Atheists dare to criticise it and the toxicity of its influence in so many areas of life.
Related links:
Norman stormin’ against Islamic courts in UK
Sharia: creeping ever closer

1 comment:

revereridesagain said...

Andy, I know you're going to catch hell for this so I'm just checking in to bolster the buffer zone.

MP Goodman has no idea what life under religion is going to be once the Muslims have become 25% of the population in Great Britain, but if there is any justice in the world he will live long enough to find out.

Living as an atheist in a religious world can be depressing at times knowing most people can't understand how we get along without it. (Nicely. Thanks for asking.) But living in a world where religion dictated what I would wear, what I could eat, with whom I would associate, whom I could marry, what I could and could not say, what work I could do (if any), and in which I was explicitly considered to be worth a fraction of the value of a man and which threatened my life if I broke any of its rules would be unbearable.

Sadly, there are a lot of people in this country now who may understand that in theory but think it can never happen in Great Britain, let alone here. For them, the millions risking their lives to demonstrate against theocratic oppression in Iran are just a worrisome inconvenience because they might interfere with Teh Obammasiah One's plans to make the world one big happy marxoliberislamationist family.

I know it's hard for some to understand why, but the atheists here will never back down from this fight against Islam. But we know that our rights derive from our very nature and that no one has the right to violate them in the name of their god or their tribe or their sociological theories or anything else.

Looking on the bright side, at least Goodman won't be an MP after the next election. He will probably be replaced by some guy named Ahmed.