Friday, June 12, 2009

Everything You Need To Know About The BNP, But Were Afraid To Admit, Part II


revereridesagain said...


This is what fills an intellectual vacuum: hot air and loose trash.

Pastorius said...

Yep, yep, and yep.

Anonymous said...

Nothing worse than what is heard in mosques across the globe - or in some hip hop/rap or la raza gatherings as set forth by the nominee for our nation's highest court with Sotomayor's quote: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.

She gets away with it because she is latina.

Mahounds get away with it under protections of their religious umbrella.

It's acceptable to have black, hispanic, muslim etc. special interest groups. But when the white male points out the damage wrought by political correctness and multiculturalism, it's derided as racist. I do think there is a valid point to be made here - nearly impossible to make without being labelled racist.

Make no mistake, I don't support Nick Griffin. He has said/supported far worse.

This clip isn't "the one" to use to expose his or the BNP's antisemitic and racist antics.

Pastorius said...

This blog is about the Jihad. It is not about Sotomayor, or La Raza.

If La Raza destoyed the WTC, and my relatives in England called me up and told me that La Raza was correct in doing so (as my relatives in England called me and told me that Al Qaeda was correct in attacking us), then I would have started writing about La Raza.

As it is, I hate La Raza, but do not consider them a mortal threat to our Civilization.

Damien said...


They're racists and they hate capitalism. That's two very good reasons not to support the BNP, as far as I'm concerned.

Unknown said...

As the BNP were elected democratically and two million people voted for them,theres nothing can be done about it.I do agree with the BNP on some comments.Its time that Britain looked after the british people and stopped putting others first.I am white British and proud of it.Does that make me a racist no.everyone should be proud of their country.Not wanting to loose our heritage isnt racist its a fair comment.Should we speak out and and say the wrong thing then we would be arrested.Yet anyone not British seems to be able to hold protests slag us off and what do we do.Nothing because were British and we are sooo politically correct.What if we started to use the race card whenever we were insulted.The courts couldnt handle it.Come on wake up.If the main parties dont act more and more people will vote BNP.Throwing eggs is stupid irrisponsible and illegal.

andre79 said...

Completely unrelated but did you read about NHS meltdown in UK?

Apparently they ran out of funds.

Ray Boyd said...

I suppose this has been spotlighted because he mentions "Organised Jewry". Let's face it the capitalist freetraders - some of whom may be Jews, which is irrelevant - ARE responsible for the economic mess, and are currently speculating on the price of oil and by doing so are threatening the economic recovery.

The world situation would improve if they were taken out of the equation (shooting, hanging etc) where they become immensly wealthy whilst the common man loses his job and his home due to their greed.

Pastorius said...

Ray Boyd,
How do you take "Capitalist Free Traders" out of the equation"?

Who are these "Captialist Free Traders"?

Do you outlaw their activity?

Is it possible to outlaw capitalism? Or, is capitalism simply the natural occurrence of two people agreeing to trade their property with one another?

Should people be allowed to own property?

If they are allowed to own property, should they be allowed to decide what they can and will do with their property, or should someone else decide?

If someone else should decide, then who? The government? The Academic institutions? The business sector?


I may be missing something, Ray. But, it seems to me your statement doesn't make any sense.

Here's are some other questions to ponder:

Is it natural that when people trade their property that sometimes they make mistakes, and they lose value in their trades?

Can this loss of value sometimes be compounded when many people rush to trade their property for some other piece of property which has become extremely coveted which has driven up it's perceived value (tulip bubble)?

Is this not a natural occurrence? Or, should the government be involved in monitoring potential tulip bubbles?

Is our current situation not also compounded, perhaps even completely created by government interference in the capitalist system, in that the US government pushed banks to lend money to people who were high risks and then these loans were sold as bundles in the stock market, and many people bought them against all sense?

Is that not true?

If that is true, then is that "Capitalism"?

I say, "No."

Damien said...

Ray Boyd,

Your attitude shocks me. Certainly I will admit, that some corrupt business men have done immoral things, in order to make a profit, but your statement goes way too far. It blows it way out of proportion.

Ray Boyd said...

Hanging and shooting were tongue in cheek but speculating on the price of futures makes nothing, builds nothing and only makes everyone but the traders worse off. They might as well go into a casino and play blackjack. It's not rocket science, they the bankers and traders are responsible for the economic mess and people here cannot see that obvious fact then I despair.

Building, manufacturing, producing, create jobs for all. Gambling on futures should be outlawed it's as simple as that. Capitalism has it's flaws but it is the best system provided it does not run amok.

Why should those who have play a gambling game that increases the cost of oil, food etc for the rest of us - and the poor of the third world - be given free reign?

Pastorius said...

I'm not an Economist. However, I agree with you that, from what little knowledge I have, betting on futures seems like a bad idea to me. I agree, as far as I can tell, it contributes nothing to the economy.