Saturday, May 02, 2009

Dems latino gambit paying off, right now. Republicans lost

For years now, I have been talking about a SECURE BORDER, ALONG WITH a return to pre 1924 immigration rules.

What occurred in this nation from colonial times until 1924 in terms of immigration is what made us great.

We fearlessly (as a nation) let the masses in.

But all nations must have secure borders, and illegal immigration in the millions is proof this is a joke.

The republicans have managed to allow themselves to be painted into a corner of being anti immigration by being for a secure border and seemingly mass deportations.

Immigration reform has come to mean amnesty for criminals and nothing about a border.

Now Obama has called for closed borders and relatively open immigration.

Obama has adopted the position of someone like me, and left the republicans NOWHERE on this critical issue among a rapidly growing voting, catholic (and therefore seemingly more conservative???) demographic.

If the republicans are, LIKE BUCHANAN, against immigration itself, then I have basic problem with them on a large issue, and find myself in (gulp) alignment with Obama (altho I think his call to close the border is a bunch of baloney to shut people up..I'd recommend he DO THAT FIRST).

I would also say, get ready for a generation of democratic rule.

Somebody with some brains better grip the wheelbarrow by the handles in the republican party pretty quick, or soon it won't matter.

Just an observation from Maine


jeppo said...

Epa, the idea that Hispanic Catholics are somehow conservative isn't just wrong, it's the exact opposite of the truth. Hispanics voted for Obama by a 67 - 31 margin. As the US becomes more Hispanic, it will become more liberal and further cement the Democratic Party's stranglehold on power. And the same goes for other non-white and/or non-Christian immigrants.

Continued mass Third World immigration not only means the permanent marginalization of the historic American population, i.e. white Anglos, but it will ensure the extinction of the Republican Party, at least as the political vehicle of conservatism in the US. So if you want to promote open borders, mass immigration and population replacement, then you should at least be aware of the inevitable consequences: A socialist, Third World America divided by race and religion like never before.

Unknown said...

Our pre-1924 laws limited immigration to "white males." That had been the criteria for citizenship since 1790. Also, women who married foreigners lost their citizenship. In 1890 Chinese and Japanese were excluded from citizenship.

The 1924 law did not curtail Mexican immigration. But it curtailed the areas in Europe from which white folks could come. Specifically, it greatly limited Eastern and Southern European immigration on a culturist basis.