Thursday, August 21, 2008

Anderson Cooper takes note of THE ISSUE

Anderson Cooper shows where HE is when giving out advice to Obama as a 'neutral' observer for CNN
In part, he needs to change the narrative of the campaign -- away from the notion that the biggest single problem facing the country -- the "transcendent" threat of our time, as McCain argues -- is terrorism.

Terrorists and Islamic radicals are indeed a significant challenge and must be overcome but most observers would say that it is one of several challenges and that others are equally pressing, starting with the urgent, urgent need to put our own house in order and the need to deal with additional global issues such as global warming, nuclear proliferation and the rise of Asia.

Oh, really? Prove that. Observers where? Britain? Cambridge? Berkeley? Upper West Side Manhattan? What makes that kind of phrase anything but a cute betrayal of objectivity?


We have plenty to face, but the one where they try to kill you usually holds attention except, of course, where it results in the election of those you find smelly.

A major test of the Denver convention is whether Democrats can recast the central argument of the campaign and throw the Republicans back on the convention. Either Democrats persuade the country why they should now take charge or perhaps they aren't ready to govern after all.
And the rats head for the lifeboat in August?


Anonymous said...

Hey kid, just so you know: Not everything on that blog is written by Anderson Cooper himself. Go back and look at the article. It's written by the great David Gergen, former advisor to Nixon, Bush, and Clinton admins.

Epaminondas said...

Indeed, but the point is that that IS Andersen Cooper's responsibility, and CNN's, and I think they delivered what they wanted to.

False neutrality.

As far as Mr. Gergen being great....not so sure about that.