Friday, July 11, 2008

China Closes Mosques

From Babba Zee

China CORRECTLY Shuts Mosques

These places of worship were used as training ground for conducting a "holy war", Chen Zhuangwei Chen, the police chief of Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang province, said. Xinjiang, which borders central Asia and Pakistan, has been the scene of a pro-independence movement by a section of the eight million Uighurs living there for a long time.


Damien said...


Unfortunately China is a brutal totalitarian dictatorship which also oppresses its people. I find it disturbing that they only country that seems to really be standing up to the Jihadists also jails anyone for simply disagreeing with them. The Chi Coms won't even tolerate peaceful decent. If China was a democracy with freedom of speech and the press, and it was standing up to the Islamists like this it would serve as a model to free world.

Natasha said...

see action alert on WAMI blog--its important

Damien said...


Is this the website you are talking about?


Natasha said...


WAMI was started as a coalition to confront the traitors in the far left, why you'll see the Lenin quotes to the side.

It was also to confront the traitors in the feminists groups, that are also tied in with the racialist groups and the Islamists.

Because I worked in the far left As a leftist, for years, and was purged from the left for standing MILITANTLY

against Communists, Socialists, who not only are in alliance with the most fundamentalist butchering Islamists groups out there, i.e., Hezbollah, Taliban, Hamas, etc.,

I also stood MILITANTLY opposed and threaten to expose them for their tolerance for

1. pedophilia, esp of little girls
2. tolerance for rape and using rape in war
3. tolerance for legalizing prostitution Including their apologetics of Trafficked women and girls
4. tolerance for misogyny especially under Islam and their excuses of self-determination and freedom of religion WHEN IT SUITS THEIR GOALS
5. their REFUSAL to stand for the most abusive treatment to workers in all the Islamist countries Except those propped up by US, i.e., Saudi
6. their Betrayal of every peasant and worker's and women's rights and environmental rights groups by Ortega and Chavez
7. their Constant taking Lenin, Mao, Trotsky, even Stalin's theories and Marx especially 'out of context' to warp them to prop up a THEOCRATIC ISLAMIST STATE

I was then and always very critical of the flaws and abuses in communism and socialism, there were MANY,

anyone who would deny such is brain mush. I also understand the historical development of absolutism, how the Cult of Personality works, plus,

the numbers of socialists and communists who in both China and Soviet Union were purged and killed because they Opposed the totalitarian State.

My work has always been of the anarchist influence, anarchism on the left leaning, that is, and in America there were many of us, who over the years were pushed out while the pro-Islamists were taking over,

anarchists and social democrats, some of the more conservative Leninists too were pushed out, long story but as I've said before, over the years the Maoist-Stalinist elements, the most extreme and totalitarian misogynist forces have been infiltrating the left,

not just the far left-the mainstream left. They are FAR more totalitarian and extreme than even the CP-USA. They are die hard Stalinists taking the worst and Maoists, with the addition of ISLAM.

And not the moderate Islam--the most fundamentalist of Islam--e.g., Sudanese, Somalian, Taliban and Hamas--Hezbollah and down that hierarchy line.

Its not just that they are communists, if That were only the case there could be some room to ward off the extremes [as they did in Europe for years],


think Shining Path in Peru with an Islamist face

or FARC in Columbia with an Islamist face

if you are aware of the Horrors on the levels of Sudan, in part, against the Civilians in these areas, add that to the combination of Islam--thats what is being propped up all over in America, right now.

Through the RACE NATIONALIST--ANTI-SEMITIC GROUPS, e.g, Nation of Islam, one example.

Because my focus was mostly on women's human rights and children's I was always battling the most inhumane forces and ideologies while in the far left--there were a few, of the old timers who are diabolically opposed to the filth that is taking over and has for years the left in this country---

the YOUNG generation we are seeing today who have been Duped, are extremely ignorant of the historical truths of the left, domestically and globally and they border on FANATICISM AND REACTIONARY POLITICS.

This was a Deliberate strategy by the far left. [think 60s expansionism of the worst of the worst]

For years in this country there has been this political room for the allowance of more of a revisionist leftism, or what they term as the new left, that was, yes, critical of Stalinism, Maoism, and the extreme applications and interpretations of Marxism. For years liberalism was welcomed, and there was balance at least in the debate of ideals to form a more just world for workers, women, minorities and the poor...

over the past ten years that I know of personally, that changed. Within the last five years, its changed to the point where the left that I knew--no longer exists. Its far worse, than the Bolsheviks EVER were.

And I cannot emphasize enough the thuggery CRIMINAL ELEMENT that is also in the far left--the blackmarket types that make tons off of trafficking the poorest of the poor women from the Southern Cone, into This country, mind you, for sex slavery and sweatshop slavery and then they have the GALL to stand and scream anti-western imperialism.

They exploit the darker skin women in Mexico, traffick them, use them as drug mules to prop up their drug cartels and then they scream about racism...

those privileged elites in the American left [far left] parties will then, condoned violent porn, that is based on, trafficked women, women gang raped in war, black market porn and snuff films,

and do so in the claim of liberalism,

but DARE an autonomous feminist or human rights group rise up and protest--and they'll purge them in a swift second, by purge I mean silence, discredit, refuse any material for publishing, Unless they can use it for propaganda to prop up their party.

They then have not only supported Islam, many have converted over, these same raping loving pedophile pieces of maggot bourgeoisie filth who prop these parties and are high up in the leadership of, not just here in America but in Europe,

because Islam gives them permissions.

These types are the party bureaucrats and criminal elements who take excerpts of the 50s liberation-communist propped movements, such as was rampant in Africa and in SA, and parts of Asia,

similar very much to the way Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot's regime --a movement started from Paris, nearly destroyed an entire culture and race of people in Cambodia

this is the type of mentality that is not just a part of the far left--it has taken over.

In the parties that are not as open about it or not as far as ideology behind it, they have members who are of that framework,


I know how they work, to mold minds, I've seen it, and because I know it firsthand, I also know,

you can't fight their propaganda only from the right or American philosophy of freedom Because of the history of racism and exploitation in this country, there is too much of a rejection of the far right/right, and the Christian 'white' right especially.

There were many of us, including myself, that were Always anti-state, we may have understood and agreed to the need for revolution against right wing fascism, yes,

but there was that branch that opposed a setting up of a Stalinist type of regime, or a Maoist one. Then comes Islam,

and what was statist worship then, became a totalitarian theocratic Islamic worship overnight, every Islamist came out of the woodwork it seems, and the parties changed, one by one.

not just the parties, but there were infiltrations in the feminists groups and in some of the anarchist groups, but any who had any global knowledge were aware--unfortunatly, the ones who were aware, were somewhat of the senior citizen population,

the younger generation and the 30s-50 group, by products of the sixties, who can't think outside of their hedonism long enough to see truth when its in front of them.

I left the far left and became independent, and as I've mentioned before, the right is dead on target when it comes to exposing the dangers of Islamic fascism,

WAMI is working to confront the LEFT, in a very militant way, just as there are those in the Third Camp in Europe that are also, confronting including Third Camp groups from Iran, Iraq, etc., that have first hand experience with seeing the disastrous results of totalitarian and imperialistic Islam.

so our militancy is from a leftist perspective, from a working class--underclass perspective, using Leftist ideologies to confront the lies of the Islamists and the propaganda being used to lure the left, especially the poor, the working class, and the more radical elements in supporting the leftist Islamic camps.

There is only ONE way to fight them, and thats I'm afraid to say by force.

As I've said before, it won't matter where one stands in regards to economics, the truth of the matter is, ESPECIALLY FOR WOMEN, if the Islamists succeed, especially the MIM-Political Islamists -- they won't give a

damn, whether you are right, left, Buchanan's lot or communists [they killed communists in every single country they've taken over]or democrat or agnostic or liberal,

they'll enslave and kill us all.



I won't hesitate to say it, and its going to take BOTH RIGHT AND LEFT [WHO HAVEN'T DRANK THE KOOK AID] to do it,

we cannot fight them in polarized groups, I can promise you that. And we can't rely on the government to come to our rescue--if any think that,

they need to wake up and pay attention to whats going ON in our government [right propping up the jihadists via economics/development] and the left [propping up the demi-god Obama],


opposing them from EVERY DIRECTION.

The women in the pro-Hilary camp, men too, that are fighting the onslaught of the Obamatrots pushed by none other than the MIM-ISLAMIST camp,

including their use of CYBERTERRORISM to do so,

they are getting slammed from every side, from the neo-liberal sexist media, to the multi-culturalist IDIOTS,

to the race-nationalist groups,

and yes, by some of the sexist far right Christian groups, sad to say.

Websites are being shut down with false allegations of spam bot who oppose Obama, especially those who bring up ties to the Islamic factions,

not by the right--by the left.

The right is somewhat solidified and organized, though not so much in Europe--here in America yes--but once they get Obama in, the right will feel the wrath just as we have,

Obama is already pointing out McCain's personal life--they already have begun,

look over those two websites, there office, one of them is based right in Denver, the front for Obama.

I can tell you horror stories of how the far left in This country, the most extreme, have treated those women, those few, who have stood up against the misogyny and the rapes [that the men in far left--have been protected by their comrades--Just as Ortega, that raping piece of shit, who raped his own DAUGHTER

for years, and his comrades have done all they can to protect his sorry ass from prosecution, leaving that poor woman, seeing no justice]

this is the type of shit women have been confronted with in the far left [and before some right winger comes on and says yea yea, got news for you, the right wing does the same exact shit with Total impunity, so, we see it from both sides],

but the propaganda and the LIES being spewed out by this Change campaign,

makes the most oppressive of the right in America, look tame in comparison.

I will work on setting up a sister site for WAMI--called the


and post it on the WAMI site. WAMI is mostly for women about women, because the feminists in this country have for the majority sold out, or been what we call,


But we need it to be more than just women, and not just from a right wing perspective...and for it to be a Grass Roots as well, a People's Movement because IF they succeed--

we will, as a People, be under an illegitimate government as far as I am concerned and they do not have the right to our allegiance.

Because they've climbed up through the use of lies and deception and through the support of the enemies of not only America,

but the enemies of freedom, of human rights, of women's human rights, of children's human rights, of worker's rights, or people's rights of all races and religions and economic classes,

I with all my heart am convinced of this and am willing to fight, with everything in me, for my children as well,

against this banality of evil, this tyranny. AS one comrade who was a dear friend and who was one of the first to oppose the infiltration of the far left used to say all the time,

"I will not oppose one form of tyranny to be ruled by another form of tyranny".

Director of WAMI

[be prepared, the WAMI site is a bit militant but we are confronting the militancy of the far left--and we will take whatever means necessary to oppose the totalitarian and theocratic forces that are fiercely intent on enslaving us all...

Anonymous said...

It takes fascists to know fascists....and to deal with them effectively. Can't fight terrorists using Robert's Rules of Order. Just wastes time, money and lives.

Pastorius said...

I understand the sentiment, but I think America and Britain did a pretty good job of fighting fascism in WWII, and we didn't have to turn into fascists to accomplish our ends.

In fact, we made two fascists states into Free Democracies.

Natasha said...

Just so I'm not misunderstood,

I in no way am saying we should turn to fascism to fight fascism--but Joyce is right,

fascists know fascists like leftists know the extreme leftists,

and while I don't think we have to 'assimilate' into the fascist or totalitarian mindset, or assimilate into the banality of evil to fight vile,

I do think, we have to on some level understand it, understand the forces we are dealing with or being confronted with. And when you are confronted with a brutal onslaught of totally un-remorseful or non-feeling supremacists then yes,

diplomacy and Robert Rules of Order only go so far, and yes, it IS a catch 22, because violence begets violence and not only that,

I do know, working in revolutionary left, that most who join up with the left do NOT join up with the intent of becoming hard core haters and extremists,

its the 'assimilation' into a mentality, through the course of ongoing tick-tock orange type of education/or indoctrination rather, that eventually, Along with the anger at most likely ongoing injustices they are faced with daily, what we termed as those 'harsh realities',

and in their frustration With the distorted hate doctrine they eventually turn into Exactly, what they hated to begin with.

And in Any war, that Is a risk, even in confronting Islam, one has to be very careful not to get sucked up in the hate to the point where they see Only the Islamists and before you know it, they become just as totalitarian in their own right. And I think this Is an assimilation or what one called 'morphing into the oppressor' though she, a rad feminist, backed down on that when the black liberation ideologist feminists jumped her ass--

but tragedy is, She was right. She was absolutely right, just like power corrupts absolutely, so does war or hate of something if not kept in check can also corrupt absolutely.

And I speak from personal experience on that one, and the reason I am as vocal as I am about the far left is not because I am against fighting social injustices or racism or imperialism, no,

but because I understand, on a very intimate level, what it Is, to be changed on the inside and how Easily it is, to become a tool of hatred and revenge. And because I understand the psychology of how that works, I feel at least fortunate in that I can relay that to others and its not just a psychology in the left, its just as much in the right.

That being said--there is the other extreme, the diplomatic reformist and the pacifist, and while Those intents and agendas are good, if they are not kept in check, they can also be tools of oppression in that they protect either

the status quo, or the hostilities of oppression/or like today, the apologetics to a hostile agenda hell bent on colonizing and enslaving us all,

and when confronted with extreme diligence, who better to confront them than the ones who know very intimately, how their psychology works?

So in a way Joyce is correct, the Risk one takes however in joining up with opposing fascists is that, its like the alliance with the far left and the Islamists, you never know, when one will usurp the other and then, turn on you.

That whole being friends with an enemy to confront a common enemy thing, it Is risky, but sometimes, sadly, a necessity.

I am sure Churchill and Roosevelt were not thrilled to be sitting with Stalin fighting as allies in WWII, but if not for those three allies,

where would we be today?

As much as the right may hate the left and Stalin, lets face it, if not for the Russians, we'd have a very different world today. Even the Trotskiests (sic) who have debated the 'what ifs' relating to Stalin have often concurred,

if Trostky would have been the leader rather than Stalin, there is a good chance we'd be living under a world wide Third Reich,

who knows, its hard to say. Well maybe not that hard, but point is,

sometimes it takes the profane to fight the profane. Sometimes it takes the feminists having to align with the die hard patriarchs to ward off a worse oppressor and worse patriarch,

there will always be those who work in the peace networks, and I applaud them, I do think they have a place. But there is, too,

a time to draw the line, especially when a civilization is at threat, its One thing, to have civil unrest or even revolutionary change from within because of social discontent,

its another, when its a brutal external combined with internal fascist type of forces or totalitarian that are determined to destroy any remnant of the old, not for the purpose of building a better civilization,

but in establishing a death zone for the prop up of their tyranny.

And too, I also think, there needs to be some understanding between the varieties of fascism, because not all fascist nations were fascist to the degree that, lets say, Hitler's fascism was, in fact, ironically, the safest place in Europe for Jews to be, was Italy, under Mussolini,

not that there wasn't porgrams, there was, especially in the beginning years, but the society, wasn't as fascist in mindset as they were in Germany and elsewhere, and there was a lot of resistance to Mussolini and his forces. NOT in anyway saying that it wasn't horrific, because it was, not in any way trivializing the clerical fascism in Italy at that age,

but there were differences. And relevance today is, yes there are nationalist groups and even ones that lean to more fascism, but in comparison to the Islamists, they are not only different but the Islamists are far worse.

in other words, sometimes in war and/or conflict or a real threat to survival, I don't always think its a matter of convenience to stay only within one's own group or ideology, sometimes allies have to be forged that in times of peace,

would be unthinkable. I have debated this back and forth, and yes I do have strong cognitive dissonance on this issue, and I'm not so sure of how I am decided on this, but sometimes I wonder if there is a choice?

I know by reading some history Churchill was in no way in favor of working with Stalin, they were not naive of Stalin's terror or his fascism, which, from the numbers of mass graves in Russia, he wasn't better than Hitler when it came to the totalitarian state and yes, anti-Semitism,

there is far too much evidence of pograms against the Jewish populations in Russia/and Poland.

That said too, I think we always have to keep in mind, like in WWII, prior to, that what created the path to dynamic fascism [both Hitler and Mussolini] in Europe was the conservatives, and their fear and hate of the communist-socialists, especially with the knowledge of the Bolsheviks, and the Papacy, that Representative of the conservative and middle class on the political stage [which was in that time a transition from oligarchy and aristocratic rule monopoly of that stage prior to],

that fear of communism, that threat, did pave the way for another type of totalitarian regime that was just as harsh and brutal as the communists they feared,

and maybe the 'key' there is while that fear is no doubt justified, it is essential and imperative that we don't lose rational or clarity by being swept away by fear.

Because its the fear I think that creates or opens the door to the opposing fascisms or totalitarian systems, those forces of strength or how they termed it then, the Cult d Force,

that sweeps in and takes over. I mean it would be nice, if it was like in the movies eh, where we, the American people with the liberal ideas all pulled together and fought off the alien invaders and come out unscathed and unchanged,

but thats the movies. Mao said, revolution is not a tea party, and though the thugs who lust for blood love to pull that and use that as a justification for their carnage, that doesn't mean that what Mao said isn't true.

What Mao was referring to however, contrary to how its been warped today, is that revolution brings out the beast of revenge in people and he was Talking about a people who had been under years of brutal oppression, starvation/forced, empire and nationalism [Japan] and the horrid persecutions, tortures, rapes of thousands of women, plus the hierarchy of extreme suffering imposed upon the weakest of the Chinese society, the most vulnerable,

and yes, when they rose up it was a horrible and bloody revolution. People who have lived under the iron fist of an oppressor who are unleashed and the violence that comes from that--just like the Italians who mobbed and killed Mussolini,

or Ceauşescu in Romania--but then, thats the horror of totalitarianism and brutal despotism isn't it,

it drives a misery in humanity that they come to that place where there is no consciousness but one of savagery.

And its been the reformists and the diplomatics who have referred to that, it isn't always about protecting the status quo,

it can be, it can be the voice of privilege who dares not sacrifice blood for freedom, no doubt,

but there is also that truth, that if misery is driven to the point of no return, it becomes in its own right an absolutism, that violence begets violence, especially the seeds of the generation that follows,

which is exactly why, in those regions in Africa and the warlords in Afghanistan, when that is all they've known,

its a vicious cycle that perpetuates itself. That revolution only for revolution sake...

because without an enemy to hate and lust for blood they don't feel alive. That may be hard for many to understand but I've seen that psychology and no, I don't have the answers of how to resolve it. I wish I did,

but in seeking for those answers, I do think, one can be revolutionary against Totalitarianism and brutality without becoming or morphing into that state of being,

and I think part of that is staying true to values, to honor, to dignity, human dignity, which in war is extremely difficult to do, when there is no laws to enforce such,

when its total anarchy and chaos, and there are no 'restraints on the darkest of human behavior except those values inside, those internal of which they hold dear'.

Unfortunately its in times of war that we really see the true character in humans, but maybe too that is the fault of those war mongers who use war as a means to an ends.

And too, maybe its the motive of war, if its self defense and protection of human liberty and dignity, not for conquest or supremacism (sic) maybe those values can be kept in place.

But all in all, take Sudan for example, I don't believe those people who are being slaughtered or those women who are being brutally raped and hacked to pieces in the Congo, which has been officially stated that its on the Equivalent of a Holocaust against Women,

I don't believe they have the luxury of sitting around and debating the merits or ills of war and revolution and worrying about whether the morph into the enemy or whether they'll create a worse empire,

I think for them its just a matter of every day, life and death.

And I think for us, it maybe become that way for us too.

Director of WAMI