Thursday, April 17, 2008

Is He The One? Tom Coburn Vs. William Ayres

Barack Obama's Demonology.

William Ayres was a Weather Underground terrorist. He participated in the bombing of federal buildings, including the Pentagon. Writing about his days as a terrorist, he proclaimed, "I don't regret setting bombs, I feel we didn't do enough."

Tom Coburn is a U.S. Senator. He favors laws which would make abortion illegal. Of his views, he proclaimed, "I favor the death penalty for abortionists and other people who take life."

To Barack Obama, both of these men are equally controversial.

So let's be clear. Whether you agree with Coburn, or Ayres, or not,

what you have here is

a man who favors laws vs. a man who favors bombs.

Got it?

Once again, to Barack Obama, both of these men are equally controversial.

From Hugh Hewitt, discussing a major gaffe by Obama in last night's debate:

What a horrible night for Barack Obama, and for the Democrats in general. George Stephanopoulos, along with Charlie Gibson, conducted a great debate on substance, showing any American willing to look that neither Democratic candidate is ready for the West Wing, and that John McCain clearly is.

In an exchange that will be played all through the general election season, Senator Obama was asked about his connections to unrepentent anti-war bomber/terrorist/Weather Ungerground member Bill Ayers. Obama was clearly flustered by the question, and in responding, compared Ayers to Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn's views on doctors who perform abortion. Here's the video:

The last time I checked, Doc Coburn neither advocated, participated, nor had a need to repent from any terrorist activity, unlike Bill Ayers, who to this day is proud of his activities forty years ago. If Obama wanted to unify America, he took another large step in achieving half of that goal with conservatives, who are not going to take this slander on Coburn lightly.

By the way, roll this question around in your brain for awhile: What would happen if John McCain were friends with the abortion clinic bomber Erik Rudolph?


Anonymous said...

Obama has yet to explain his 'involvement' with William Ayres and denouncing him is unlikely as in the case of Reverand Wright.What is more disturbing is the fact that he compared the terrosists activities to those of Doc Coburn's views on Doctors who perform abortions! Am I missing something here? Our possible future President of the United States is linked to a former terrorist, and this is ok? He is also linked to a racist anti-American pastor...and still continues to be ahead of Clinton in the polls! American people need to wake up from the Obamamama trance!

Pastorius said...

The Muslim/Leftie Red/Black Allliance is


Damien said...


You said,"The Muslim/Leftie Red/Black Allliance is WINNING!"

Yes, and when Islam takes over those leftist will know just who their friends really are. Once the Islamist see no need for their useful idiot commies, than they will turn on them. They will start to treat them like any other Infidel. I wonder how long radical leftist will be able to see the former classical Liberal Republic of America as the source of all evil in the world, once they are forced to live as Dhimmis under Islamic Sharia law. Many leftist have a fantasy view of Sharia, just like they have a fantasy view of communism. They thinks its benign and tolerant. they have no idea how deluded they are. Note to feminists, Islam will do much worse to you than put restrictions on your "right to choose." In fact pre ninetieth amendment America will seem like heaven on Earth to you soon after a true American Taliban gains power.

revereridesagain said...

If Coburn favors the death penalty "for abortionists and other people who take life", DOES HE FAVOR THE DEATH PENALTY FOR WOMEN WHO SEEK AND OBTAIN ABORTIONS?

It comes down to that, gentlemen. Does he favor hunting down the medical records of every woman in this country and prosecuting for murder or accessory to murder those who have had abortions? Is he prepared to live with the consequences of such a policy? Is he willing to face all of US? AND our parents and spouses and children and siblings and friends and lovers and declare, all of these women will be EXECUTED?!?

Shit or get off the pot, Coburn. That goes for the rest of you who think abortion is "murder" but dance around the logical consequences of that belief. Are you going to come after us or not?


Anonymous said...

For the large majority of women the choice to terminate their pregnancy does not come naturally or easily. It is not for us to condemn women, but to support them in whatever means/resources we can so they have everything they need to make an informed and comfortable "choice." Too often this "choice" comes because it is driven by a parent, or boyfriend or pressure from effect, SHE may feel like she doesn't have a choice. I'm pro-women.