Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The U.S., Saudi Arabia, And Israel

My friend Michael has been sending me a lot of information about the extensive arms deals America is making with Saudi Arabia. Let us be clear, Saudi Arabia is a despicable regime; a country whose official policy is "No Jews Allowed" within their borders.

This is a country whose very existence I oppose.

The ruling aristocracy supports Wahabbist Madrassah's and Mosques the world over. If 30% of the evil of Islam emanates from the Iranian regime, then 66% emanates from Saudi Arabia.

Those two countries are the Saruman and Sauron of the evil we face in this war.

The fact that our country is making arms deals with Saudi Arabia makes me sick to my stomach.

I suppose there could be some Machiavellian reason for it, but to be truthful, I am sick of trying to decipher the hieroglyphics of the policies of the Bush Administration. Either George Bush is a genius beyond my imagining, or he is among the biggest fools we have ever had for a President here in the United States.

We won't know until he lays all his cards on the table.

At the very least, he is playing a high wire act, the like of which has never before been seen.

All that being said, IBA, CUANAS, and the other blogs I write for, are records of our times, and therefore, I'm going to give you links. I don't have the heart to actually post this information, nor interpret it. As I said, I am sick to my stomach.

But, for those of you who do not play this shit with your emotions, as I do, here's the information:

Dore Gold says the Saudi arms deal is "problematic."

Are we getting anything in return from out "allies"?

The Saudis Are, Apparently, Our Best Friends.

1 comment:

Always On Watch said...

Either George Bush is a genius beyond my imagining, or he is among the biggest fools we have ever had for a President here in the United States.

I'm afraid that it's the latter. It gives me no pleasure to say so.