Thursday, January 04, 2007

More Hypocrisy from Germanistan

The Duisburger Institut für Sprach- und Sozialforschung (DISS) (Duisburg Institute for Language- and Social Studies), which is affiliated to Duisburg university and thus a recipient of public funds, is considered a vanguard for and paragon of politically correct discourse and stands for everything that is considered good and valiant in Germany: Fighting right wing extremism, fighting racism, fighting antisemitism, fighting right wing extremism oh yes, and did I mention fighting right wing extremism?

Such an unholy trinity suggests smokescreening per se and, to be blunt, to me it seems as if DISS is broaching the issue of right-wing antisemitism to deflect from the antisemitism of the Left.

Why do I think that? First, because anti-Zionist Moshe Zuckermann seems to blend in seamlessly with the otherwise laudable criticism of antisemitic clichés about Israel in the German media, but hey, maybe it's just intellectual sluttery.

What I find more conclusive (and, frankly, well nigh incredible) is the fact that Irmgard Pinn is a member of DISS' advisory board.

Irmgard Pinn (born 1946) is a German sociologist who teaches in Germany and in Iran. She converted to Islam in 1981 and made herselfknown as a fighter for the politically correct, anti-racist cause by defending the right of Muslim parents to keep their children away from school out of religious consideration. Pinn, too, denies any discrimination against women in Muslim countries. As sociologist and anti-racism researcher (whatever that is) she is fighting "resentment and prejudices" against Islam in Germany and the fact that it is still seen mainly as a Gastarbeiter ("guest worker") religion.

Her main point is that Germans who are wary of Islam "do not know nearly enough" about it, as if it weren't exactly that knowledge that makes them wary in the first place.

Here is the video of a German chat show that shows Pinn ("There is no Islam-problem, just a "money" problem." Hello Osama bin Laden!) debating Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

(Tho read the entire article click HERE!)

The next entry About the Aesthetics of Converts is probably interesting as well, although even more "Germanocentric".


Anonymous said...

Recall that in America, the UAE provided an estimated $50 million public-relations campaign thru CAIR aimed at repairing Islam's -- and the UAE's -- image in America back in 5/2006.

Statements such as:
Her main point is that Germans who are wary of Islam "do not know nearly enough" about it,

It all sounds suspiciously uniform repeated around the globe. It leaves one to expect this empty apologist rhetoric was probably provided during ramadan services to be used as a canned response to western inquiries.

It's likely there is equal effort to produce standard empty rhetoric for German public consumption.

[ , , ]

Enough already! Either we don't know enough . . .or we couldn't possibly comprehend what we learn/read since the classical arabic is far too nuanced to translate and easy to misquote or quote out of context. . .nonsense. Yet how many believers can actually comprehend and effectively communicate classical arabic? They often quote koranic verse which has been translated for their as well as our consumption - yet without any visible recognition of the irony of this action - we are expected to take them at their word. Go figure.

The_Editrix said...

I couldn't agree more! Without doubt, we a waging a GLOBAL war.

What makes it worse is that EDUCATED people, who ought to know better, are joining the side of Evil.

Pinn is not some frustrated housewife, but a academic and educator (although it's hardly believable, even out of the Islamist context).