Friday, January 05, 2007

Have Pen, will Travel

... But ye shall pass before your brethren armed, all the mighty men of valour, and help them.

Joshua, 1:14

Recently our Ethiopian cousins have taken it upon themselves to invade their neighbours, the Somalis, in a large-scale and dynamic war. They didn't wait for months to get U.N. approval that would have meant limiting terms of engagement to meaninglessness, didn't wait for Russian and Chinese vetos, and didn't bring along CNN to monitor each and every outrage committed by national soldiers. The Ethiopian government had and interest in local affairs and took military action to correct what they saw as a threat to their nation and its people. In their case I applaud their decision. I wish I were there to cover the action as a first-hand reporter, in spite of my limited abilities as an objective reporter and my opaque writing style. As bloggers and private citizens we have unique opportunites to present to the larger world our views as untainted by conformities as they might be.

We might not compete as ably with major news producers who give us such brilliance as the copy on a South African mercenary in the early 1970s who was eating a piece of beef jerky when a reporter asked him what it was, to which the mercenary replied: "It's a baby's arm." Yes, the reporter panicked and wretched. We might not be able as bloggers to compete with that kind of reportorial genius. But we might do something else, almost as worthy: we might be able to report the facts as they are without ideological white-washes and flights of morally outraged dramatic fancy. But only if we are there, wherever 'there" is next time.

Therefore, allow me to humbly suggest that we start a travel fund for intrepid bloggers who are willing and able to write clear and unironic prose that anyone can understand at a glance. As a pool of contributors we could perhaps support one blogger's efforts in a place of our mutual choosing. Next year we could send someone immediately to a hot-spot to get what we would like: more or less what we might consider the truth as known to our own trusted colleagues. That might be worth $10.00 from each of us.

We likely pay as much for our local papers, only to be outraged rightly by them. personally I would love to see Pastorius's copy appearing hourly from the heated front. With some co-ordinated effort on the part of many of us if not all, we should easily be able to send someone somewhere to cover our own interests, even if it is without the approval of the U.N. and the French elite.

Let us know at Covenant Zone.


Pastorius said...

Yeah right. Can you imagine me at the front? LOL!

Dag, you're the man.

Pastorius said...

By the way, we would have a practical problem with raising money at this blog. Who would administer it? While J, Jonz, and I started IBA, it is really everyone's blog. It isn't my blog. That's why I don't put up banners for advertising. That's why I didn't sign us up with PJM. That's why there is no Tip Jar, and never will be as far as I'm concerned.

However, we might be able to start some sort of fund which runs through a separate site, which we could use this site to promote. And then, another individual could administer it.

I have no interest in getting involved with money here. I want this blog to retain the spirit of camaraderie which we have.

Pastorius said...

By the way, Dag, let me be clear that I like this idea. I would support it with money. But, I wouldn't want the money to be administered though this site. That way, there can be no confusion about who is in control, and no one can blame me or anyone else for trying to take control of money generated at this site.

Dag said...

We have a great chance to organise sending a fluently bilingual reporter to Paris this April, a popular writer with a proven track-record and significant contacts in France at high political levels. If we can't among us solve a problem like setting up a paypal acct. in America, then how are we going to do anything effective against our opposition?

Of course we can set up an acct. The question is who in America will do so? We cannot forever be passive, forever waiting for others to do our thinking and acting for us. Or maybe we can, in which case we'll fall to the sword in time, crying for help that will never come.

Who in America will volunteer to start a travel fund for us? It's not just the travel fund that counts here, it's the organising in practice. Look at who we face as our opposition: Cavemen! We can do better than this, friends.

Write to us at:

Do better.

Dag said...

Truepeers and Charles at Covenant Zone have what I call faith, and they do too, though I don't understand it as they do, so we might be on about diferent things in the final analysis. I have what I call optimism. Usually. Sometimes I don't have much at all. But when I find myself bitter and disgusted, I still persist and still keep on going even though it seems pointless and painful for no good end. It's a way of living i learned from speorts. I don't care how many times I get beaten down. I get back up and try again, and I win by doing that alone, even though I win anyway at what I attempt. So I won't go away and shut up about meeting people, about raising money for a news bureau, about fighting in foreign lands for freedom. I won't stop, and there's not a thing anyone can do to keep me from winning. My victory is victory for freedom, and you'll get yours even if you do not a fucking thing for it because I won't quit till you win too. I'm optimistic.

truepeers said...

Dag, why don't you set up a paypall account, and write up a constitution to explain how the money will be administered and given to a duly chosen blogger/reporter? We can chat over the details and come up with something, I'm sure. We can even register it as a legal society if that's what it will take to get people to send in ten bucks.

Dag said...

I like it. Let's go over the details on Thursday. Meanwhile I'd like to get input from others here, this being an exercise in activism, as in acting on ones needs in the world.