Thursday, December 07, 2006

Be Careful What You Wish For - Appeasement And It's Consequences

Tracy makes a lot of sense here:

Many Muslims, especially Arab Muslims, are happy that the Iraq Study Group seems to be declaring Iraq a failure. The Democrats ran on withdrawal from Iraq and will most likely cut back funding for Iraq in the next session. Both groups are quite happy about their temporary victories. I am concerned that these short term gains might have long term repercussions that neither group wants nor understands.

First the Muslims and the Middle East: If we admit defeat and withdraw from Iraq, we will send the world the message that Muslims and the people in the Middle East just can’t adjust to democracy.

The Islamists will be ecstatic and will continue to clamp down on the region and spread Islamo-facsism. The result of this will be more terror attacks, sooner or later in the United States of America.

Now, one of the traits of Americans that few understand is our desire to live peacefully. We really hate going to war. Many think that that makes American cowards, but nothing could be further from the truth. We also really hate being attacked and usually demand retaliation. No one should forget that we are the world’s largest military power. We the public demands an attack, our military is more that capable of delivering a massive strike.

We have expended $500 billion and thousands of lives in Iraq in an attempt to bring democracy to the region. Far from the “Shock and Awe” of the original campaign, we have gone slowly and cautiously out of respect for the Iraqi people. The people have repaid us with death for our kindness.

After the next terrorist attack on the US, we will again be faced with how to appropriately respond. This time the public will be much less concerned about the Iraqi people. They have shown that they can’t be won over to civilization and our free society with global trade can’t be hobbled by savages.

We will only have a few options and ground troops won’t be one of them. Our next response will have to have an incredibly low death toll for our military and a massively higher one for our enemies.

We entered Iraq with the naïve concept that the Iraqi people were basically good people being ruled by a very bad leader. The last 4 years have disabused the public of that notion. The MSM has done an excellent job of painting Iraqis as a massive group of American hating radicals that couldn’t wait to start killing each other as soon as we disposed Saddam. (I don’t think that this is true, but that doesn’t matter. The media has worked over time to lose this war and they are responsible for the low regard most Americans now have for Iraq and the Iraqi people).

The next answer to terrorism could very well be a nuclear response. The public will honestly question why we should risk men on a society that is incapable of accepting civilization.


Epaminondas said... son in law wants us out, but to leave behind a message... "Don't make us come back, you won't like it"

I have said for years, if the middle east arabs cannot keep a republic, at BEST scores of millions will DIE.

The LACK of this message being clear is another cardinal failure of both the american goverrnment (everyone from Bush to Dean and Lieberman and Mccain and even Mr Kucinich), and the MSM for utter failure to delineate this issue and its CLEAR consequence.

von Schlichtningen said...

The failure is not only American. The Europeans share a LOT of the guilt.

The European Islamofascist sympathizers can not hide their glee at the current situation.

The European troops can not leave one day to soon and damned be the result.

Pastorius said...

Yep, I agree with you both on this. And, can you imagine what is going to happen in Europe because of the failure of the Euro governments to deal with the problems in their very own streets?

My God, that is going to be frightening. Well, hell, it already is bad in France, but not nearly as bad as it's going to get.

Dag said...

I've been trying to organise public meetings for years now, with some slight success, not because I like organising meetings for the sake of it but to prepare our communities for the coming catastrophes during and after which we wil need sane and intelligent and informed leadership so we are not subject ot demagogues and fascists who will run the masses to madness. We have to meet now so we will know each other and our situation clearly, so we can lead the nation by communities and neighbourhoods to a proper course of reaction. If we don't prerpare to lead our comunities now, it'll be too late when the need comes. We must prepare ourselves for our roles as community leaders when the time comes.

If we do not act to organise now, then the time will come when crazies and cynics and monsteers of all sorts wioll arise to lead the nations of Modernity to savagery. We will witness a mass of hatred and fear unleashed on the innocent, many of whom will be Muslims who deserve nothing of what they will suffer. And not just Muslims: anyone in the way of the flood of hatred will be taken. We are in a position now to do something great and world-shaking and beautiful, something glorious in our time; but if we do nothing we willl go down in hsitory as the most evil people who ever lived, those who allowed nine tenths of the world's people to be exterminated.

The Left fight us to make the destruction of the primitive world come to pass. They make all progress impossible, turning every decent act to shit, thereby ensuring that when the time of genuine conflict comes our reaction will be to turn the Muslim world into a sand diorama. We can stop that from happening if we take the lead now and prepare people for a proper reaction to the horrors to come. It is grand, it is glorious, and few are doing anything more than wishing others would do the work for them.

We have to organise our own to ensure we lead the coming war. if we do nothing, then others wil ltake our places, and the result of that will be horror unimaginable.