Friday, September 08, 2006

Danish and Norwegian MSM: Denmark has herself to blame for terrorism

A danish and a norwegian newspaper writes that Denmark only has herself to blame for terrorism as the country applies with 7 out of 9 criteria for terrorism:

1) Participates in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and supports US military operations
2) Supports or cooperates with the enemies of the global Jihad-movement
3) Is under AlQeda surveillance and has recieved concrete threats
4) Has a considerable number of AlQeda sympathizers
5) Hits down hard and unforeseen on suspicious-looking immigrant-groups
6) Tolerates discrimination and anti-islamic speech in the public debate
7) Has made tough immigrant-laws and is generally stigmatising immigrants
8) Lacks experience and institutional means to cope with the threats
9) Does not aknowledge the threat

The papers say that Denmark fullfills 1-7.

More at Hodja

Now you know how to avoid terrorism - the only problem if you do - you're a dhimmi.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Denmark has closed the gates at the last moment, congratulations! I many other countries, Sweden for instance, it's probably too late. To challange islam will be practically impossible in a democracy once the moslem population rises above 5-10%.