Friday, July 14, 2006

While the 1930's describes the 90's to now, it's time to worry about 1914

When Gavrilo Princeps offed the Archduke in Sarajevo no one could have predicted the coming pestilential horror in the trenches. In fact, a few weeks before the deluge, Germany, Russia and England all were insisting no such result could obtain.

The three recent kidnappings are beginning to remind me of Sarajevo's ignition.

There are few thinking, historically grounded analysts who would deny that this is a just moment for Israel to realign the political situation via the result on the battlefield. But at the moment we all saw the story about shifting the Israeli captives to Iran, there was a flash of another world.
With Khaled Meshal esconced, honored and protected in Damascus, and the IAF buzzing Assad's summer home as a result, and the idiots of the Syrian Baath protecting, and aiding via arms transfers from Iran, the racist murderers of Hizbollah, can a regional or LARGER war be avoided?

Should it be avoided?
FranzFerdinand1914.jpgAt this moment in time many of the objectives of Israel's insistence on living, and american needs are identical or parallel, and there may have been no way back since a few people realized that El Sayed Nosair's action was not that of a lone lunatic, but the very tip of a massive iceberg, and one that smeared falseness, and futility over the idea that Israel's fight to live was and could be separate from the coming mass murders by the Muslim Brotherhood and it's philosphical child, and literal children in Al Qaeda, and their struggle against the dajjal, the Great Satan. Me. You. Your kids.

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