Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Koran Versus Mein Kampf

A recent comment thread over at Pedestrian Infidel compared Herr Hitler's Manifesto from over 80 years ago, "Mein Kampf", to that "holy of holies" to Muslims, the Koran. Commenters have noted the remarkable similarities between the two, and indeed, the resemblances are more than skin deep and are worth examining in more detail. A closer look at the facts reveals that Islam (not 'Islamism') and Nazism are two kindred ideologies with many, many commonalities.

Let's start with titles. The very title of Herr Hitler's tome means "My Struggle" in English. One could even entitle this book "My Jihad" and this Islamic term would have the same precise meaning. "Kampf" in a Nazi ideological context and "Jihad" in the Islamic one are almost identical. That in itself goes a long way to explaining why 'Mein Kampf' is still such a best seller in current times all over the Islamic World, including in supposedly 'moderate' Islamic states like Turkey.

But the similiarities between the Koran and Mein Kampf don't just stop there. Far from it. Fellow blogger and ally Freedom Fighter over at his/her blog Joshua Pundit has come up with an exceptional, enlightning list of how alike Islam and Nazism really are:

Mein Kampf- States that Germans are the superior race of mankind and that Germany is destined to rule the world , and dominate all other races and nations.

The Q'uran-States that Islam and Muslims are the superiors of mankind and that Islam is divinely mandated to rule the world and dominate all other races, creeds and nations.


Mein Kampf-Says that the German State is to have control over every aspect of life. Says all individuals must submit to the State.

The Q'uran-Says that Islam and Sharia is to have control over every aspect of life. Says all individuals must submit to Islam.


Mein Kampf-Says that Germans have the duty to claim their divinely appointed place in the world by whatever means necessary. Puts loyalty to the Volk (the race) above all other ethical considerations.

The Q'uran-Says that Muslims have a duty to wage Jihad and to advance Islam's domination over the world (Dar al Islam and Dar al Harb) by any means necessary. Places loyalty to fellow Muslims (Umma) and Islam above all other ethical considerations.


Mein Kampf-Mandates that men are superior to women and that women's place should be limited to procreation, the kitchen and the home.

The Q'uran-Mandates that men are superior to women and that women's place should be limited to procreation, the kitchen and the home. (Admittedly, the Q'uran goes quite a bit farther than Mein Kampf on this topic)


Mein Kampf-Says that homosexuals are 'race traitors' and should be condemned to death. (Many, in fact were murdered in the concentration camps).

The Q'uran-Says homosexuals are unholy to Allah and should be condemned to death


Mein Kampf-Sets out a detailed model for world conquest, including rules for how conquered peoples are to be suppressed and dominated by the German race. States that the wealth, resources and property of subject peoples belongs to Germans by right and the right to life for subject peoples is dependent on Germans. States that
non-Germans have no legal or civil rights.

The Q'uran-Sets out a detailed model for world conquest, including rules for how conquered peoples are to be suppressed and dominated by Muslims. States that the wealth, resources and property of subject peoples belongs to Muslims by right and the right to life for subject peoples is dependent on Muslims. States that non-Muslims have no legal or civil rights. (in truth, a lot of this has its basis in the Hadith and the Sunna, but both derive essentially from what's in the Q'uran, along with all the other aspects of Sharia).


Mein Kampf-Divides the world into 'German land' and enemy territory. States that land with Germans living in it or land that once had Germans ruling it rightfully belongs to Germany, and Germany is entitled to get it back by any means necessary.

The Q'uran-Divides the world into 'Dar al Islam' (Muslim ruled land) and enemy territory (Dar al Harb). States that land with Muslims living in it or land that once had Muslims ruling it rightfully belongs to Dar al Islam, and Muslims are entitled to get it back by any means necessary.


Mein Kampf-Blames the Jews for society's ills and says that they will be exterminated.

The Q'uran-Blames the Jews for society's ills and says that they will be exterminated. ("On the day of Judgement the rocks and trees will call out 'O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me! Come and slay him!")

Islam and Nazism. Mohammed and Hitler. As plain as day, they are cut from the same cloth.


Anonymous said...

Time brought a difference. Germany evoluated. BDB is now taking the koran to court to have it forbidden. As against their constitution.
In our PC environment, this act stays probably symbolic. It's a good starting point, to be followed in the rest of Europe.

Anonymous said...

I really doubt whether "The Anti-Jihadist" or "Joshua Pundit" even read 'Mein Kampf' or the 'Quran'.

I did. I have an in Holland illegal copy of Hitlers dumb illiterate piece in my posession. My father got it during the denazification in Germany after WOII as an intelligence-officer serving with the RAF!

I am not going to refute all the arguments in the opening post but just one. In the racial "analysis" of Hitler and his theoretical advisor Alfred Rosenberg it is not "Germans" that is superior but the "Arische Rasse". Of course the Germans are part of this race. It would be very stupid of most Islamic believers to adopt this view. It would make them a "Untermensch" persisting in the perverse way of nazi thinking by AH.

So, you better get your facts rightbefore critizing!

Anonymous said...

My view is that if you want to have the Quran forbidden, you also must do with the Thora and the Bible. All three "words of G'd" are very much related.

Question: what about freedom of religion or any freedom at all for that matter?

Anonymous said...


You just flee away from my point.

Did you really read "Mein Kampf"? If you did you would know that it is just a whole lot of very stupid demagogic talk. Just as you are doing. You don't know anything about Germans. I do. My mother was German. Just the blunt fact that so many people followed the propaganda of NSPAP does not give the fact that all those people read this dumb book. Even at the Nuremberg Trials the nazi criminals who were accused there stated that they didn't read it. I just just finished a very detailed biography on Albert Speer by Gitta Sereny were this comes to light.

My point was that comparing the Quran to "Mein Kampf" is totally insane. You should do the same with the Bible and the Thora then. They all three have the same roots.

I know. What you like to critize is the politized Islamic movement, the Islamists. You have to make the difference between the religion Islam and its political use or rather abuse.

Of course there are Jewish groups (I am Jewish) that are terrorists. For instance the group around Kahane. You have even a Jewish nazi party. The same is the matter with Christians. Christianity is also used by political groups. Take for instance the Army of The Lord, which is operating in the North of Uganda/the South of Sudan, killing people and using children to fight. These are just some examples.

My point is that every religion may be used by "wrong" forces. No group of believers has a monopoly on that!

To denounce a whole religion for what some members do is wrong. It is a racial way of looking at things and I detest such an attitude.

My position is that by just focussing on Islam, which you and your fellow bloggers are doing, give you a "tunnel vision". You can't see properly anymore. You leave out facts you can't use. I think it is a poor way of analyzing and certainly not scientific by all means.

I am sorry for you all.....

Anonymous said...

Barbara is absolutely correct in her assertions and you guys actually prove it!

Now you've got your own little Jihad underway, making you feel like a real big macho...

You're not interested in understanding the arguments because you've blinded yourself with hatred against a religion that is no more belligerent or peaceful than Christianity or Judeaism, both the latter also show strong manifestations of extremist and violent behaviour towards both others.

Your comparison between Mein Kampf and The Qu'ran is a laughable yet shameful attempt at propaganda.

You should really get a hobby: I suggest filately; that's about at your level of comprehension.

Stop your futile little war and learn what the world really is like, instead of chasing phantoms...

civilian-at-arms said...

To Shuddeboomboom,

I am not going to refute all the arguments in the opening post but just one.

Because you can't.

Question: what about freedom of religion or any freedom at all for that matter?

What about it? Your right to freely exercise your faith ENDS the moment you demand limits be placed on my freedoms. And as the Danish cartoon fiasco demonstrated, Muslims all over the world--not just a few extremists hiding in caves--think that the commandments of their religion trump our fundamental freedoms of speech and a free press. That I have to explain something this simple to you probably precludes you from understanding it in the first place; but I thought I'd try.


or peaceful than Christianity or Judeaism, both the latter also show strong manifestations of extremist and violent behaviour towards both others.

And when you're ready to point to organized Christian and Jewish groups bent upon raising an ancient religious theocracy out of the dustbin of history bent on subjugating the peoples of the world under Judeo-Christian rule we'll be here. When you can point to a worldwide network of Jewish or Christian extremists that routinely quote the Bible of the Torah as justification for sawing off aid workers' heads or blowing up buses filled with civilians or wiping entire countries off the face of the earth we'll be here.

Stop your futile little war and learn what the world really is like, instead of chasing phantoms...

What is the world really like? One can't count on us ordinary folk to truly perceive all the complexities of the world so we must rely on mandarins such as yourself to tell us how the world really works.

The Anti-Jihadist said...

Wow, the Quran=Nazism comparison has really brought out the tinfoil moonbat brigades in force.

As for me, I've read both the Quran and Hitler's lovely tome both. So I can justifiably claim at least some knowledge of the foregoing. The research that led to the list I posted was not done by me, so I sadly cannot claim credit for it. But I can vouch for this list's accuracy.

Anonymous said...

@ the anti-jihadist.

So you can vouch for the list's accuracy, you say?

Why is it then that nobody can explain to me why the error is made to base the idiotic racial theory of Hitler and his theoretical right hand Alfred Rosenberg (Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts, also read by me) on the socalled supremacy of "Germans" as ypou all say instead of "Arians"???????
And why would people from the East believe such analysis because it makes them "Untermenschen"???????

If you can't explain this to me, I consider your accusations as false!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please try to answer my small questions above!

I am not the warmongerer. You and your friends are. I fear what the world would look like if your kind would be really in power!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

And another one to check out:

Anonymous said...

I hate islam and the islamization of Europe. That said:

The "comparsion" here between the Quran and Mein Kampf is bogus.

I haven't read the Quran, but have read Mein Kampf from cover to cover many times.

First, the title "Mein Kampf" can of course be compared to "Jihad", but also to the "struggle against islamization" and the "struggle for freedom".

What is the "ideologigal context" of the word "Kampf" in the books title?

Well, Hitler wanted to call the book "Four and a Half Years against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice", but the publisher shortened it to "Mein Kampf".

"Mein Kampf- States that Germans are the superior race of mankind and that Germany is destined to rule the world , and dominate all other races and nations."

Bogus. Hitler never wrote that.

"Mein Kampf-Says that the German State is to have control over every aspect of life. Says all individuals must submit to the State."


Mein Kampf-Mandates that men are superior to women and that women's place should be limited to procreation, the kitchen and the home.

Bogus. Hitler never claimed that men are superior to women.

"Mein Kampf-Says that homosexuals are 'race traitors' and should be condemned to death."

Bogus. Homosexuals aren't even mentioned in Mein Kampf. Also, there were never death penalty for homosexuality in Germany. Look up the german law book from the period and read the §175.

"Mein Kampf-Sets out a detailed model for world conquest, including rules for how conquered peoples are to be suppressed and dominated by the German race."


"Mein Kampf-Divides the world into 'German land' and enemy territory."

Nonsense. It doesn't. *yawn*

"Mein Kampf-Blames the Jews for society's ills and says that they will be exterminated."

Bogus. While Mein Kampf DOES contain a lot of blaming jews and their influence over comminism and capitalism, it does not say anything avout extermination.

It's quite clear that the person who wrote the "comparsion" never read Mein Kampf, but instead tried to remember what he have heard about Hitler, and wrote the comparsion in the most naïve manner.

Pastorius said...

You write: the title "Mein Kampf" can of course be compared to "Jihad", but also to the "struggle against islamization" and the "struggle for freedom"

I say, not true.

Hitler on Islam: 'You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?'"

Churchill on Hitler and Islam: "In truth though, just as the British stoicism recalls the same from 65 years ago, so too, there is a deep and instructive similarity between the Nazis and the Islamic-fascist forces that attacked then and attack today. The fact of the matter is that even more important than invoking the famous British "stiff upper lip," to fight this current war to victory requires understanding and accepting the similarities between the Nazis and the Arab-Islamic terrorist armies."

Pastorius said...

" [Nazi philosophy] by no means believes in an equality of races, but along with their difference it recognizes their higher or lesser value and feels itself obligated to promote the victory of the better and stronger, and demand the subordination of the inferior and weaker in accordance with the eternal will that dominates this universe." - Hitler states in Mein Kampf.

Hitler then states the Aryan is also culturally superior.

"All the human culture, all the results of art, science, and technology that we see before us today, are almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan..."

"Hence it is no accident that the first cultures arose in places where the Aryan, in his encounters with lower peoples, subjugated them and bent them to his will. They then became the first technical instrument in the service of a developing culture."